Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Fairweather Friend

Well, make that a fairweather runner. Today is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Low 70's, sunny and a slight spring breeze. And, since we are in daylight savings time I was able to go for a run after work without running in the dark. Now, I haven't been to the gym in a long time. It's been so crazy this past 3-4 weeks, that I have been cherrishing my sleep. Today, I was anxious to get outside and get some fresh air. Also, since I just moved there was lots to explore.

I ran for about 30 minutes, but then just got tired of running. Not tired, tired of running. A nice walk sounded so much better, so I ended up walking for about 30 minutes. I'm not sure why, but a nice stroll is what I needed. My new place is right near the main street area, so there were little stores, coffee shops and resturants to explore. I can pretty much walk to anything I need. JP and I are planning on doing a lot of walking once it gets nice! I'm kinda bummed I wasn't up for a run, but at least I was able to get outside and move around.

After my post about never wanting to see another moving box, I almost moved to Atlanta. I had a job opportunity to do a short-term assignment in Atlanta. I was SO excited, but it ended up falling through. Sure, I'm not up for a long-distance relationship, but it would only be a few months. I'm still pretty disappointed, but I guess it wasn't meant to be... just like the short-term assignment to NYC didn't pan out this past summer... Something good has to be in store for me, doesn't it? So, instead of Atlanta I got the booby prize. I'm doing a short-term on-site assignment with one of my clients. Not super excited. Everyone keeps telling me that it's only 4-6 weeks. I know this in my head, but it's only day 2 and I'm really dreading tomorrow (and the next 4-6 weeks). I guess anything compared to moving to Atlanta for 10 weeks would seem not as fabulous.

Anyway, it's suppose to be nice for the next couple of days so hopefully I'll get some good runs in. Or walks... those are good, too. :)


MNFirefly said...

I hope you get great runs this week. Enjoy the weather.

Radioactive Tori said...

I went for a big long walk the other day too. It was so beautiful out I didn't want to miss it by running if that makes any sense.

Anonymous said...

At least you got out there and enjoyed the weather a little!

Anonymous said...

Nice job on the run. Hope you get a position that you want - don't get discouraged it will work out.