Tuesday, May 22, 2007

We had a great weekend, filled with parties. Friday night, we went to JP's friend's bar to celebrate his birthday. It was packed and we always drink for free when we go there. And by drinks, I mean shots. I think that must have been all they were serving that night. :)

Saturday night, we went up to Lansing to celebrate with one of my friends. She was in town to celebrate her birthday and we had a lot of fun. I haven't been out to a club in a long time and this was the one to make reemerge back into the scene. We were in the VIP lounge, the drinks were flowing and the music was awesome! I haven't been out dancing in so long. We also saw the BIGGEST boobs I have ever seen. I am serious when I say I think they were as big as my head.

In an effort to get off our duffs and get moving, Sunday afternoon JP went to play soccer and I went to the gym. I finally had that really great workout. Yesterday I ran outside since it was so nice. I think I did about 5 miles, and it went by so quickly. I'm still exploring the area and there are some good places to run. I found a little park that has some trails, so I think I'll be there a lot this summer.

Didn't watch the game last night because I am trying to go to bed early enough to get more than a few hours of sleep. It sucks, but what can you do? I'm trying to not feel like I got hit by a bus at 1 p.m. :) Looking forward to my workout tonight -- cardio and legs tonight. I'll be sore tomorrow!

1 comment:

MNFirefly said...

Sounds like a great weekend.