Chicago Marathon, here I come. I think I found an in to this year's already sold out Chicago Marathon. Super excited, as this was my first 26.2 ever. Plus, it'll be fun to have JP's family there to cheer me on.
I've been pre-training for two months and was thinking I would aim for the Detroit race, so I was ready to start with Week 1 of training this week. I haven't exactly picked a training plan, but loosely following the Runner's World plan. Never tried it before, so we'll see. I think I'll have to tweak it a little bit, but overall it looks like a good plan. The only thing that makes me nervous is that it calls for two rest days. I think I'll change that to a cross-train day and a true day of rest.
Sweet 5 miler. Had a lot on my mind, so flew through it. I know I need to start thinking about race pace and adjusting for my runs, but it just felt so good I figured I should just go with it and see what I do. I was just under 9 min/miles.
Carido and a tough weight session at night. Arms and abs were sore for a few days!
Easy 4 miler. Nothing spectacular, but it was nice to be out in the fresh air. Forgot my Nike iPod sensor, so no stats.
Super hot in the morning, so ended up doing my 6 miler on the treadmill. Ugh. Hate the treadmill, but it was better than running while there was a heat advisory until 10 pm! I can never run as fast on the treadmill and set the pace for 9:40 min/miles.
Barely gutted out my easy 4 miler. Started too late in the morning and definitely paid for it. I ended up walking the last bit, which I NEVER do. But, I figured it was that or pass out. :)
REST. My knees were thankfull for this day to come.
Glorious 7 miler. My first long run of the training plan. Started out around 6:45 am and it was 70 degrees. PERFECT. Did a few miles on the nearby high school track to help my knees out a little bit and the time just flew by. Ended up averaging 9:20 min/miles. By the time I got home, it was getting warm -- about 77 degrees. Glad to be inside, showered, refuled and rehydrated by 8:30 a.m.!
Just a nice easy run tomorrow and I'll have successfully completed Week 1. I need to get in more weight lifting session in, which I've been doing fairly well up until this week. And, I would like to throw in some yoga to stretch myself out a little bit.
Gotta get ready for the rest of the day. It's a big one... JP's dad is coming into town to meet my parents. Super excited!