Sunday, I pretty much slept all day and only ate a few Saltines and a small bowl of grapes. Monday was much of the same, until dinner time. I had a mad craving for PIZZA!!! JP was great and dutifully went to pick up a small Papa John's for me. I'm pretty sure it was the best pizza I'd ever eaten. :)
Tuesday, I tried to eat and did a pretty good job of staying hydrated. We headed to the gym

after JP got home from work and I was determined to get in some sort of workout in. I was scheduled for 5 miles and barely survived a run/walk combo for 4.5 miles on the treadmil. It wasn't pretty. Barely halfway through, I felt very weak. It just plain sucked.
Today, I got up and had my usual pre-run breakfast. I was schedule for 8 miles, but hoped to get through at least 4 miles. I just got through 4 miles and hope to do 4 more tonight. Not quite the same, bt hopefully it'll get me stronger, sooner. I really want to do well in Chicago and will be pretty bumed if I don't hit my goal.
After my run, I took my soon-to-be nephew to his day camp and we had a nice little chat on the drive. He's 12 years old and my buddy... we've gotten along really well since I first started dating JP. He's running cross-country for the first time this year, and he told me he missed the 5k his team did together. So, I told him I'd do one with him. I want him to get the race experience before his first actual race. He seemed pretty excited and I'm really looking forward to it!
So, I need to hurry up and get better so I can get on with my marathon training and run a 5k with my little running buddy!