Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Golf clubs and running shoes

Today I start my golf league... I'm a little nervous. I got some golf clubs for Christmas, but they were way too big so I went out and got a set yesterday. I'm so excited! Just hope I'm not the worst one there. It's a professional women's league and I'm in the instructional/beginners league. We play for 6-weeks - 3 weeks of instruction and 3 weeks soley on the golf course. I took lessons last summer, but don't remember a whole lot. I was pleasantly surprised that I remembered how to hold the club last night as I was unwrapping everything. As for where my feet go, how my body is suppose to move, etc. I don't remember. Anyway, it'll be fun.
Now for running -- great workout yesterday. I went to the gym because of the rain, and it was hot and humid inside. Nonetheless, I did five 1-mile intervals on the treadmill. I felt great and I have to say the new Nike dry-fit, "looks like a t-shirt" tanks are awesome! Very comfortable, looks good and does its job well.
Hopefully I'll be able to get in a short run before golf tonight. If not, golf counts as cross-training... right? I joke now, but I'm sure I'll be sore tomorrow.


MNFirefly said...

Have fun!

Jason The Running Man said...

Good luck and have fun with the golf...great job on the run!

Radioactive Tori said...

I have never golfed before, but it looks like fun!