Monday, March 31, 2008
Girls Night Out!
Mile 1: 10:21
Mile 2: 10:28
Mile 3: 10:35
Mile 4: 10:28
Mile 5: 13:24 -- Seriously, was I walking or what!?!?!
Mile 6: 9:24 -- Got mad at myself and picked it up a bit...
Mile 7: 9:47
Mile 8: 10:03
I kept reminding myself that my goal is to be consistent. I'd like for the consistent splits to be faster, but can't focus on that. But, when I saw a 13 minute mile, I about dropped. I don't think I've ever done such a slow mile! Oh well, this is suppose to be fun.
Saturday afternoon was the wedding shower and that night was the bachelorette party. It was interesting... not as well planned as I would prefer (keeping in mind I'm super anal and annoyingly organized). As long as the bride-to-be was happy, that's all that matters. We went bar hoping downtown Detroit, and had a sweet limo to cart us around. I will say, that I was the only one that got hit on by the bachlor party that was at the same spot ... and got invited to join their bash. :) Still got it... :)
Sunday was a recovery day - since when does it take me a whole day to recover!?! Geez! I used to be the one that bounced out of bed the next morning ready for breakfast. This time, I got up, took some Alleve and rolled back over.
Looking forward to tonight's workout -- time to stretch my legs out a bit and get them ready for Sunday!!!!
Friday, March 28, 2008
Techie runner

It gives you the mile markers and everything!!! Is it wrong that I get so excited about this!?! :)
Went for a 3 mile run on the gym track last night -- just didn't feel like dealing with the snow. (yep, we got 3-5 inches last night). Splits were fast, but not as consistent as I'd like them to be. On the plus side, at least I'm starting to drop some time on the shorter runs.
Mile 1: 9:31
Mile 2: 8:41
Mile 2: 8:28
Rest day today and tomorrow is my last long run before my race. Yikes! Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
The Clock is Ticking...
Goal 1: Be mentally tough.
Goal 2: Be consistent.
Tuesday's run was inside, due to the snow flurries outside. It was a pretty good 5 mile run and I was pretty good with my goals.
Mile 1: 9:56
Mile 2: 9:41
Mile 3: 9:52 -- The "be mentally tough" goal was a struggle on this one. My legs felt weak and I really need to focus on strength training. It makes such a big difference!
Mile 4: 9:52
Mile 5: 8:56 -- I was "in the zone" and feeling good. Not really consistent, but I was ready to be done.
Yesterday, it was warm and sunny so I took advantage and ran outside. I was scheduled to do 10 x 400 m, but I was in a time crunch due to the setting sun, so I did a quick 3.5 mile run. It was about a 9:45 pace, but I'm still not sure of approx. mile markers on my route so this is an educated guess.
Looking forward to my schedule 3 mile run tonight!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
I *Heart* NYC

My parents put on an Easter egg hunt again for us this year. We have a good time and since we're both so competitive, it makes for a good laugh!
Enjoyed a nice run outside yesterday andplanning for a good workout tonight. I can't believe this is my last full week of training before the race! Yikes!!!!
Hope everyone is well and looking forward to catching up on your blogs!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Recap of the Week
Last Saturday - COLD (22-degrees), a freaking snow storm about halfway through my 10 mile run and windy the whole way. Averaged about 10:30 pace -- a bit slow for me. Overall, a pretty miserable run. (On the bright side, no emergency pit stops this week!)
Throughout the week I got my runs in, but no abs or lifting. It was an unusal week with things going on 3 nights during the week -- a birthday celebration dinner, a professional networking event and a send-off party for someone at work.
Yesterday's 12 mile run was ... GREAT! I felt good and my splits were fairly consistent:
Mile 1: 10:28 -- Crap. This run WILL NOT be like last weekends.
Mile 2: 10:00 -- Okay. A little better.
Mile 3: 9:54 -- Good.
Mile 4: 10:02 -- Still consistent.
Mile 5: 10:00 -- Still consistent.
Mile 6: 9:49 -- Sweet!
Mile 7: 9:41 -- Awesome. And, I feel great!
Mile 8: 10:14 -- Getting bored now.
Mile 9: 10:06 -- Ugh. Remind me again how I handle 20-milers?
Mile 10: 10:04 -- Okay, come on. Only 2 more to go.
Mile 11: 10:05 -- Not bad, but not great. Hey, this is the longest I've run in a long time.
Mile 12: 9:50 -- Wow. Only 1.1 more miles left. :)
Didn't workout today, but lots of stretching and using The Stick. I had a ton to do today (and still to do) before I head out to NY tomorrow. I'll be there until Thursday, so next time I blog it'll be from the Big Apple.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Running is 80 percent mental – Joan Benoit Samuelson
Sure, running allows you to clear your mind and think things through, but you need to be focused. It was so hard to keep focused and hit my goal for the day. Although a struggle, I'm pleased with the splits I turned in:
Mile 1: 9:36
Mile 2: 9:25
Mile 3: 9:28
Mile 4: 9:29
Mile 4 1/2 +: 5:04
Another thing that hit me with a mental load of bricks was that I started having some pretty strong pains in my abdomen. The past couple of months, the chronic pain has really been under control. I was ready to throw in the towel and call it a day, but then it occurred to me. Hello! This race isn't going to be pain-free. In fact, it's probably going to hurt quite a bit. I've been living with this pain for the last 2 years, so I can get through a couple more miles. So I sucked it up, pushed the pain out of my head (or tried the best I could), and finished. That was a bigger accomplishment for me than keeping consistent splits.
I should've done an ab workout, but since it was late (I stayed in the office later than usual and it was nearly 9 p.m. when I finished my run) and I had some burning knives slashing through my stomach, I convinced myself it was okay to go home. :)
The outcome of my run last night? My two main goals for this half-marathon:
Goal 1: Be mentally tough.
Gotta get ready for that fall marathon. (And, for life in general)
Goal 2: Be consistent.
I may not PR, but I'm getting back into running after taking a year off and this is a great way to get back into it. I'm going to train consistently and get back into my "training-mode" diet (diet as in the way I eat, not as in the new fad diet that's suppose to melt off 20 pounds in 2 hours).
So that's the goal and I'm ready to meet and exceed 'em!
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Uphill Battle
Yesterday, towards the end of the day, I started to feel a bit flu-ish. NOOOO! Doesn't my body know that we're training? Getting sick isn't an option.
Being the mature adult running that I am (right...) , I opted to skip my workout in favor of going home and getting some rest. Hopefully this would nip it in the bud before it became a full-fledge flu. It was an inner-battle, but realy, JP would've killed me if I went to they gym feeling sick.
I went home, JP warmed up leftover for dinner and I prompty feel asleep on the couch. From there, I moved to my bed and was down for the count by 9 p.m. Apparently my body needed some rest. Feeling better today, so hopefully that's the end of it.
I HATE missing workouts and I'm really begining to feel like I'm not going to be ready for my race, which is almost exactly one month away. I alreay registered, otherwise I may contemplate finding a later race. Nothing I can do now, but battle back to race-ready form!
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Striving for consistency
After what felt like a long day at work, I trudged to the gym. I did 4 miles on the tiny track and finally started to get into it when I was almost done. My splits weren't consistent at all... something I really need to work on.
Mile 1: 10:35 (I think I miscounted laps... again...)
Mile 2: 9:19
Mile 3: 9:44
Mile 4: Not sure because I accidently hit my stopwatch when I was lifting. Oops!
I wanted to go home after my run, but knew I need to stick to my weight lifting and ab workout plan. So... it was onto the weights where I worked on my arms, as I jealously watched in the mirror as this teeny, tiny girl lifting some monster weights. She was about my height (5-foot nothing), was significantly more lean and trim, and her arms were freaking incredible. Of course, she was pretty, blonde and tan to boot. I'm not ashamed to say I was totally checking her out. ;)
Scheduled for a 4 1/2 mile run and abs tonight... Rock hard body here I come!
Monday, March 03, 2008
New Week... New Attitude...