Stress Fracture
Went to the doctor this afternoon and my fear was confirmed. I have a stress fracture. It didn't appear on the x-ray, but apparently it won't show for a little while. Who knew it didn't show up until after the body starts working to heal it.
I'm in a wrap and little shoew now, and a follow up appointment next week. No running, extra walking, swimming... in fact, I can't get the soft wrap wet. NOT what I was looking for, but it was what I expected. We'll see how it feels next week and hopefully we caught it earlier enough.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
Crap. I think I'm injured.
Thursday, I was scheduled to do a 35 minute tempo run. About 10 minutes into the run, I stopped and turned back. The pain on the top of my foot was getting worse. During the day, I did a quick web search and found that it could be a stress fracture -- exactly what I had thought initially, but hoped it wasn't.
Friday was a rest day (thankfully) and Saturday I cautiously headed out for my 14 miler. I did 3 miles, out and back, for a total of 6 miles and knew I needed to stop. It wasn't that it hurt so much, more like it felt really weak. Definite sign of a stress fracture.
Upset, I got back in my car and headed home. Grrrr.... Throughout the day it got a little more sore, and just walking was beginning to hurt. No. No. No. No. No.
I took off yesterday, but just walking in the grocery store was beginning to be difficult. This is not a part of my training plan. It was so hard not to run, but I knew that I had to be smart about this. If I nip it in the bud, early, maybe I won't be off as long. I know I could potentially not be able to run my fall race now, but I'm hoping for the best.
Asking around for a good orthepedic doctor (mine has since moved on and I'm not sure where he went), so hopefully I can get an appointment this week. Keep your fingers crossed!
Thursday, I was scheduled to do a 35 minute tempo run. About 10 minutes into the run, I stopped and turned back. The pain on the top of my foot was getting worse. During the day, I did a quick web search and found that it could be a stress fracture -- exactly what I had thought initially, but hoped it wasn't.
Friday was a rest day (thankfully) and Saturday I cautiously headed out for my 14 miler. I did 3 miles, out and back, for a total of 6 miles and knew I needed to stop. It wasn't that it hurt so much, more like it felt really weak. Definite sign of a stress fracture.
Upset, I got back in my car and headed home. Grrrr.... Throughout the day it got a little more sore, and just walking was beginning to hurt. No. No. No. No. No.
I took off yesterday, but just walking in the grocery store was beginning to be difficult. This is not a part of my training plan. It was so hard not to run, but I knew that I had to be smart about this. If I nip it in the bud, early, maybe I won't be off as long. I know I could potentially not be able to run my fall race now, but I'm hoping for the best.
Asking around for a good orthepedic doctor (mine has since moved on and I'm not sure where he went), so hopefully I can get an appointment this week. Keep your fingers crossed!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Running IS fun!
Ah, yes, what running should be. FUN.
So far this week, I've had some really good runs.
Monday - 3 miles
Ran at the gym
Mile 1: 8:49
Mile 2: 8:36
Mile 3: 8:45
Nothing crazy fast, but a good solid run. Afterwards, lifted weights (legs) like a crazy woman, but loved every second of it. It's mental, I know, but I feel so strong during weight training and LOVE IT!
Tuesday - 7 miles
Didn't keep splits, but again it was a good solid run. It was a little cool outside (cool, as in I wore a long sleeve), so that was a slight change. Started to get a little weakness feeling/pain on the top of my foot, right where my toe bones meet the rest of my foot. Eek!
Wednesday - Just call me wonder woman :)
Woke up early and did my yoga DVD. Ideally, I would've gotten over to the gym to do my scheduled 3 miler, but this is better than nothing. It felt SO DARN GOOD. Gotta keep this up!
After work, I did a 20 minute workout with some co-workers. One guy set a challenge for himself this spring to do a "couch potato to 5k" training plan. He kinda fell off the wagon, so a few of us are getting him back on track. He's never run before and needs to start from the beginning. His scheduled workout was 5 minute walking warm up, jog 60 seconds, walk 90 seconds, repeat for 20 minutes. He did great and we're gonna push him to complete the training and do his goal race. It was so much fun to help him along. We told him he'd hate us by the end of it, but the important thing is getting him back on the right side of the healthy/not healthy line.
After that, I ran my scheduled 3 miles. Great night out and, again, I really enjoy the river walk. Suppose to lift tonight, but I'm still at the office (nearly 7 p.m.) and I need to get home. Plus, I have some work I need to do yet. I think I'll take a nod from Jess and start the push up challenge. That will be more than an arm workout! :)
All right, peace out ya'll.
So far this week, I've had some really good runs.
Monday - 3 miles
Ran at the gym
Mile 1: 8:49
Mile 2: 8:36
Mile 3: 8:45
Nothing crazy fast, but a good solid run. Afterwards, lifted weights (legs) like a crazy woman, but loved every second of it. It's mental, I know, but I feel so strong during weight training and LOVE IT!
Tuesday - 7 miles
Didn't keep splits, but again it was a good solid run. It was a little cool outside (cool, as in I wore a long sleeve), so that was a slight change. Started to get a little weakness feeling/pain on the top of my foot, right where my toe bones meet the rest of my foot. Eek!
Wednesday - Just call me wonder woman :)
Woke up early and did my yoga DVD. Ideally, I would've gotten over to the gym to do my scheduled 3 miler, but this is better than nothing. It felt SO DARN GOOD. Gotta keep this up!
After work, I did a 20 minute workout with some co-workers. One guy set a challenge for himself this spring to do a "couch potato to 5k" training plan. He kinda fell off the wagon, so a few of us are getting him back on track. He's never run before and needs to start from the beginning. His scheduled workout was 5 minute walking warm up, jog 60 seconds, walk 90 seconds, repeat for 20 minutes. He did great and we're gonna push him to complete the training and do his goal race. It was so much fun to help him along. We told him he'd hate us by the end of it, but the important thing is getting him back on the right side of the healthy/not healthy line.
After that, I ran my scheduled 3 miles. Great night out and, again, I really enjoy the river walk. Suppose to lift tonight, but I'm still at the office (nearly 7 p.m.) and I need to get home. Plus, I have some work I need to do yet. I think I'll take a nod from Jess and start the push up challenge. That will be more than an arm workout! :)
All right, peace out ya'll.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Am I dedicated enough?
This isn't meant to be a complaining post, just some real conversation / inner battle I'm having with myself right now... Am I dedicated enough to be training for a marathon?

Saturday morning, I got up and headed out for my scheduled 13-miler. It was warm out, but not the god-awful humid weather we've been having lately. I don't have my splits handy right now, but let's just say they were slow. And, I mean S-L-O-W. I'm talking 10:15 to 10:30+ pace. WTF! I know long runs aren't races, but geez! This is significantly slower than my typical long run splits. Terribly disappointed, but more concerned than anything. Why am I running so slowly? Why are my legs so heavy? I know I picked an aggressive training plan, but this was the end of week 4. Should be coming along by now... right?
As if this wasn't concerning enough, I have to throw in another factor. I missed my Sunday run. Again. I have officialy missed 3 of the last 4 Sunday runs. Memorial Day and Father's Day are okay reasons to be busy and not get a run in, but I can't remember why I missed the other one. The question above is starting to glare at me. Why am I running poorly? Perhaps because I'm not putting in the miles or the time I need to right now. Ouch. Truth hurts.
I stayed in on Friday night and went to bed early, since I needed to get up, well rested, on Saturday morning. We went out on Saturday (nice dinner out, bottle of wine or two, nothing too crazy) so I got to bed late. Just couldn't pull myself out of bed earlier enough to get a 6-mile run in before meeting my parents for Father's Day. Part of me wants to go to bed early on Friday and Saturday (and Sunday and the rest of the week) because of training. But, the rebel in me wants at least one night to let loose and enjoy being young! :) Plus, JP is already a pretty good sport about being a marathon widow, I feel like it's not fair to him to call it an early night both nights of the weekend.
How do you all do it? I have a very specific goal (sub 4:00 marathon) and I'm willing to go the distance to meet that goal. I think.
As if this wasn't concerning enough, I have to throw in another factor. I missed my Sunday run. Again. I have officialy missed 3 of the last 4 Sunday runs. Memorial Day and Father's Day are okay reasons to be busy and not get a run in, but I can't remember why I missed the other one. The question above is starting to glare at me. Why am I running poorly? Perhaps because I'm not putting in the miles or the time I need to right now. Ouch. Truth hurts.
I stayed in on Friday night and went to bed early, since I needed to get up, well rested, on Saturday morning. We went out on Saturday (nice dinner out, bottle of wine or two, nothing too crazy) so I got to bed late. Just couldn't pull myself out of bed earlier enough to get a 6-mile run in before meeting my parents for Father's Day. Part of me wants to go to bed early on Friday and Saturday (and Sunday and the rest of the week) because of training. But, the rebel in me wants at least one night to let loose and enjoy being young! :) Plus, JP is already a pretty good sport about being a marathon widow, I feel like it's not fair to him to call it an early night both nights of the weekend.
How do you all do it? I have a very specific goal (sub 4:00 marathon) and I'm willing to go the distance to meet that goal. I think.
Friday, June 13, 2008
After reading P.O.M. today, thought I'd take her up on being tagged:
1. How would you describe your running 10 years ago?
I was a sprinter on my high school track team. I ran the 100 m, 400 m and, my senior year, my new coach bumped me up to the 800 m. I thought he was crazy -- my races took 60 seconds or less -- but I won the race the first time I ran the half, so that became my race, too.
2. What is your best and worst run/race experience?
Best race experience -- Proabaly not "the best experience", but there is nothing like crossing the finish line of your very first marathon. It's a feeling you only get to experience once.
Worst race experience -- Probably the Crim a couple years ago. It was my first race (I think) after my surgery and I was super nervous and not ready -- physically or mentally. Afterwards, my abdomen hurt so much and I literally laid down in a parking lot because I couldn't walk.
3. Why do you run?
Simply, it's what I do. Always have, (hopefully) always will.
4. What is the best or worst piece of advice you've been given about running?
Best advice -- My high school track coach always said, "all you need to run is a pair of shoes" and, "the only way to get better is to get out and run." It was his way of reminding us that running is simple -- you don't need fancy, high-tech clothing or equipment, you just need to get your butt in gear and do it.
Worst advice -- I shouldn't run because then I'll be destined to have knee replacement surgery early in life. Tell that to the 80-year-olds that kick my ass in races!
5. Tell us something surprising about yourself that not many people would know.
Can't think of anything of particular interest...
Yesterday, after work, a co-worker and fellow runner and I went for a run on the river front. Easy 3 miles at about a 10:00 pace. She hasn't been running since her half marathon over Memorial Day weekend, so she needed to take it a little slow. There were tons of people out, enjoying the river front, which was so nice to see. Downtown D is coming along! Didn't make it to the gym to lift since my body is still aching from the leg and ab workout. Figured I'd add the third day next week, so I don't complete kill myslef right off the bat. :)
Vaca today, so I enjoyed breakfast watching the Today Show, threw in a load of laundry and looking forward to getting stuff done. :)
13 miler tomorrow -- can't wait!
1. How would you describe your running 10 years ago?
I was a sprinter on my high school track team. I ran the 100 m, 400 m and, my senior year, my new coach bumped me up to the 800 m. I thought he was crazy -- my races took 60 seconds or less -- but I won the race the first time I ran the half, so that became my race, too.
2. What is your best and worst run/race experience?
Best race experience -- Proabaly not "the best experience", but there is nothing like crossing the finish line of your very first marathon. It's a feeling you only get to experience once.
Worst race experience -- Probably the Crim a couple years ago. It was my first race (I think) after my surgery and I was super nervous and not ready -- physically or mentally. Afterwards, my abdomen hurt so much and I literally laid down in a parking lot because I couldn't walk.
3. Why do you run?
Simply, it's what I do. Always have, (hopefully) always will.
4. What is the best or worst piece of advice you've been given about running?
Best advice -- My high school track coach always said, "all you need to run is a pair of shoes" and, "the only way to get better is to get out and run." It was his way of reminding us that running is simple -- you don't need fancy, high-tech clothing or equipment, you just need to get your butt in gear and do it.
Worst advice -- I shouldn't run because then I'll be destined to have knee replacement surgery early in life. Tell that to the 80-year-olds that kick my ass in races!
5. Tell us something surprising about yourself that not many people would know.
Can't think of anything of particular interest...
Yesterday, after work, a co-worker and fellow runner and I went for a run on the river front. Easy 3 miles at about a 10:00 pace. She hasn't been running since her half marathon over Memorial Day weekend, so she needed to take it a little slow. There were tons of people out, enjoying the river front, which was so nice to see. Downtown D is coming along! Didn't make it to the gym to lift since my body is still aching from the leg and ab workout. Figured I'd add the third day next week, so I don't complete kill myslef right off the bat. :)
Vaca today, so I enjoyed breakfast watching the Today Show, threw in a load of laundry and looking forward to getting stuff done. :)
13 miler tomorrow -- can't wait!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Holy Hills!
Well... the hill workout nearly destroyed me yesterday. It was tough.
Ran 2 miles to the hill, ran 4 hills and 2 miles back. My stopwatch was acting up, so I can't compare my hill times to the previous workout. It sure seemed harder and slower.
For one, my legs were post-2 days sore from the leg workout I did on Monday. Two, my abs were screaming from the ab workout I did on the stability ball on Tuesday. Grrr... Not giving up though. Weight training and ab/core workouts are IMPORTANT and I just have to work through it until my body gets in better shape.
3 miles tonight and maybe an arm weight training session afterwards.
Vaca tomorrow!!!!! Can't wait!
Ran 2 miles to the hill, ran 4 hills and 2 miles back. My stopwatch was acting up, so I can't compare my hill times to the previous workout. It sure seemed harder and slower.
For one, my legs were post-2 days sore from the leg workout I did on Monday. Two, my abs were screaming from the ab workout I did on the stability ball on Tuesday. Grrr... Not giving up though. Weight training and ab/core workouts are IMPORTANT and I just have to work through it until my body gets in better shape.
3 miles tonight and maybe an arm weight training session afterwards.
Vaca tomorrow!!!!! Can't wait!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Training: Week 4 in progress
Sunday morning was, yet again, another hot and humid run. Got up in the morning (a little later than I had planned) for my 6 miles. Holy cow was it hot! Got back just in time to get ready for church and run out the door.
On Monday, I had a KICK BUTT workout! It was one of those that nearly knocks you on your ass, but afterwards, you feel so invigorated. It was one of those. Schedule 3 mile run and lifted weights.
Mile 1: 8:41
Mile 2: 8:36
Mile 3: 8:26
Did a series of butt blasters, squats and leg extensions. Tried to be careful and not completely kill my muscles. It felt so good to be lifting again and it was as though I instantly felt stronger.
Yesterday was my 6 mile run. The temps were a little more reasonable. Pace was about 9:20, but my legs were sore from lifting so it wasn't a great run. Plus, I had another small issue. I haven't said anything because I was hoping it would go away. But. For the past week and a half, or so, I've been having that awful stabbing pain in my abdomen again. Not sure if the muscles are just weak (sadly, after 2 years, I haven't gotten those muscles back) or if something is wrong. I'm still swollen on one side (again, after 2 whole years) so I'm not sure what's going on. Guess I'll just keep doing what I'm doing.
Of course, being the sick human that I am, I did an intense ab workout. I was planning on doing it anyways, but if I hurt because the muscles are weak, I gotta make them stronger.
Switching my runs tonight and tomorrow, so I'm set for the hill workout tonight. The goal: be better than the last hill workout. :)
On Monday, I had a KICK BUTT workout! It was one of those that nearly knocks you on your ass, but afterwards, you feel so invigorated. It was one of those. Schedule 3 mile run and lifted weights.
Mile 1: 8:41
Mile 2: 8:36
Mile 3: 8:26
Did a series of butt blasters, squats and leg extensions. Tried to be careful and not completely kill my muscles. It felt so good to be lifting again and it was as though I instantly felt stronger.
Yesterday was my 6 mile run. The temps were a little more reasonable. Pace was about 9:20, but my legs were sore from lifting so it wasn't a great run. Plus, I had another small issue. I haven't said anything because I was hoping it would go away. But. For the past week and a half, or so, I've been having that awful stabbing pain in my abdomen again. Not sure if the muscles are just weak (sadly, after 2 years, I haven't gotten those muscles back) or if something is wrong. I'm still swollen on one side (again, after 2 whole years) so I'm not sure what's going on. Guess I'll just keep doing what I'm doing.
Of course, being the sick human that I am, I did an intense ab workout. I was planning on doing it anyways, but if I hurt because the muscles are weak, I gotta make them stronger.
Switching my runs tonight and tomorrow, so I'm set for the hill workout tonight. The goal: be better than the last hill workout. :)
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Hot and Humid Runs
You know you're old when... it's 11:30 p.m. on a Saturday night and you're blogging instead of whooping it up at the bar. :)
JP and I had a late dinner and ran home to drop off the leftovers before heading out to the bar with some friends. But... our friends are still at their first stop and JP is asleep on the couch and I'm blogging. We may be boring, but we're okay with it. :)
Okay... getting to the hot and humid runs so far this weekend.
Thursday was a kick-butt half mile repeat workout. It was 90-degrees at 7 p.m. and the humidity was insane. I was going to grab the trusty fuel belt just so I didn't wilt away, but decided against it since there are drinking fountains at the track.
Ran approximately 1 mile to the track and went to grab a quick sip of water. Doh! They already turned off the water!! Powered on and ran some decent repeats:
1: 4:20
2: 4:17
3: 4:00
4: 4:11
I'm not sure how true the coorelation is between average half mile repeats and the average marathon time, but I'm going to train accordingly. Gotta get those repeats down sub 4:00!
This morning, I started my run at 6:30 a.m. in order to avoid some of the heat and humidity. The sun wasn't out, but the humidity was still pretty bad. Again, not super speedy, but I keep telling myself long runs are suppose to be 60-90 seconds slower than marathon pace.
Mile 1: 10:36
Mile 2: 10:05
Mile 3: 9:57
Mile 4: 10:07
Mile 5: 13:17 (they're remarking the path and are obviously off a bit here...)
Mile 6: 10:11
Mile 7: 10:14
Mile 8: 10:03
I was soaked in sweat when I was finished. Wasn't completely spent, but I was glad it was a shorter run this week.
Well, gotta get going to either get ready for the bar OR go to bed so I can get up early and head to the gym before church. I think sleep is going to win this battle... :)
JP and I had a late dinner and ran home to drop off the leftovers before heading out to the bar with some friends. But... our friends are still at their first stop and JP is asleep on the couch and I'm blogging. We may be boring, but we're okay with it. :)
Okay... getting to the hot and humid runs so far this weekend.
Thursday was a kick-butt half mile repeat workout. It was 90-degrees at 7 p.m. and the humidity was insane. I was going to grab the trusty fuel belt just so I didn't wilt away, but decided against it since there are drinking fountains at the track.
Ran approximately 1 mile to the track and went to grab a quick sip of water. Doh! They already turned off the water!! Powered on and ran some decent repeats:
1: 4:20
2: 4:17
3: 4:00
4: 4:11
I'm not sure how true the coorelation is between average half mile repeats and the average marathon time, but I'm going to train accordingly. Gotta get those repeats down sub 4:00!
This morning, I started my run at 6:30 a.m. in order to avoid some of the heat and humidity. The sun wasn't out, but the humidity was still pretty bad. Again, not super speedy, but I keep telling myself long runs are suppose to be 60-90 seconds slower than marathon pace.
Mile 1: 10:36
Mile 2: 10:05
Mile 3: 9:57
Mile 4: 10:07
Mile 5: 13:17 (they're remarking the path and are obviously off a bit here...)
Mile 6: 10:11
Mile 7: 10:14
Mile 8: 10:03
I was soaked in sweat when I was finished. Wasn't completely spent, but I was glad it was a shorter run this week.
Well, gotta get going to either get ready for the bar OR go to bed so I can get up early and head to the gym before church. I think sleep is going to win this battle... :)
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Week 3 -- The Turning Point
Had a kick-butt run in the humid, humid weather. My 6-miler felt great and I wasn't ready for it to be over with at the end. Great sign, huh? It was an approximate 6 miles (I think I went a little long), so my approximate pace was 9:31. Not super speedy, but it just felt like a solid run.
Tonight are half mile repeats and I'm actually really excited for it! I'm one of those sick freaks that loved hard workouts in high school and my teammates hated me for it. :)
I'm in week 3 of training, and I'm starting to feel like I'm in shape and actually training, not just running to run. It's a great feeling and I'm really looking forward to the point where I just feel strong. Ya know?
Vacation day tomorrow -- whoo hoo. Here I come piles of laundry, closet that need organizing and dust bunnies that are multiplying underneath my bed! (Some times you just need a day to get life back into order...)
Tonight are half mile repeats and I'm actually really excited for it! I'm one of those sick freaks that loved hard workouts in high school and my teammates hated me for it. :)
I'm in week 3 of training, and I'm starting to feel like I'm in shape and actually training, not just running to run. It's a great feeling and I'm really looking forward to the point where I just feel strong. Ya know?
Vacation day tomorrow -- whoo hoo. Here I come piles of laundry, closet that need organizing and dust bunnies that are multiplying underneath my bed! (Some times you just need a day to get life back into order...)
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Mental Health Check
Last night, I declared it rest day due to the great need for a mental health check. Lots of "stuff" going on and I'm really stressed out! A quiet dinner, deep convo with the boy and ice cream for dessert was a much needed release.
But... I am not skipping the workout, just switching the days around. Because, I'm so darn dedicated. :)
But... I am not skipping the workout, just switching the days around. Because, I'm so darn dedicated. :)
Monday, June 02, 2008
Dinners, Drama and Drag Queens
Never thought I would say this, but that pretty much sums up my weekend.
Detroit Boys
My beloved Detroit Piston's simply weren't in the game Friday night and we are done for the season. JP and I met up with my college roommate and her soon-to-be husband for, what was suppose to be, a great night. That moment where you know you simply cannot win the game is so depressing. But... we did end up on the jumbo-tron. Not a complete loss, right? :)
Drama, Drama, Drama
JP spent the day downtown at the Red Bull Air Races, having the time of his life! I spent the day:
- Running 10 miles (forgot my running watch at home, but my splits ranged between 9:30 and 10:10 minute miles)
- Post run nap!
- Going to a Mary Kay party (Girls, why do we do this to each other!?!?)
We met up just in time to head back downtown to a fabulous Cuban resturant where we were meeting up with some of my college friends and their significant others. We had the best time! I knew it would be fun, but this was the first time we invited the boys to join our get-together and we weren't quite sure how it would end up. The guys ended up really hitting it off and are actually looking forward to getting together again. The mojitos were running freely, the food was wonderful and the music/atmosphere was hard to beat.
From there, we went to our friend's bar for his birthday party. Enter drama. Long story short, he drank too much, could't stand up by himself, threw up all over the dance floor (and JP) and the guys ended up taking him to the ER. We found out the next day that there was something in his drink. How scary! We're not sure if someone intentionally drugged his drink or if he picked up someone else's drink by mistake, but scary nontheless. You always hear about it happening, but don't really think it will outside of the cheesy after school TV specials.
JP was taking care of him and really sharp, but that ended as soon as he got in the car and I started driving home. The drunkedness took over and he was a mess! Parts were funny... one example (he would so kill me if he knew I was posting this!): When I threw his stained clothes in the washing machine, he wanted to get inside to get clean, too. He said, "Iwant to spin around in it." Say this in your drunk voice, and it's pretty funny.
Finally got him to bed, cleaned up and dragged myself to bed at 5 a.m. YUCK!
Drag Queens
I had to work on Sunday morning for a local Pride festival that my client was sponsoring. So, I had to get up at 8 a.m. Barely able to open my eyes, I got ready and checked in on JP. He wasn't getting off as easily as just sleeping it off. The getting sick part didn't start until the morning. Making sure he was okay, I hurried up to experience my first LGBT speed dating event.
I get to the fesitval and let me tell you, the people watching was great! A few highlights that I saw:
- Lots of leather chaps
- One dude dressed completely in leather with a dog collar and chain. The chain was connected to a bracelet (that matched the dog collar) on his partner's (also decked out in complete leather) wrist
- Another dude dressed in a leather coat, cowboy boots and underwear briefs. NO pants!
- Lots of heels and leg warmers, on guys
- A priest...
- A blue poodle and several dogs in leather get up (for the doggie drag show)
- Drag queens -- thankfully none were more attractive than me. I hate that! :)
I totally wanted to take pictures, but that wouldn't have been very professional of me. I had a great time and had some new experiences. Like, when I was listening to a conversation about coming out to your family and one guy turned to me and asked me how I did it. He felt so embarassed when I told him I was straight.
Going into it, I wasn't sure if I was going to be upset if I got hit on or if I didn't get hit on. Well, it wasn't that big of a deal. I got hit on by a woman, a straight guy and a gay guy. Although, my co-workers there told me it didn't count if I didn't get any numbers. :)
After working all day, I headed out to the movies with JP's sisters and one of his brother's girlfriends for a girls night out. Of course, we went to see the Sex and the City movie. It was actually really good. Afterwards, we headed to a nearby bar for, whatelse, cosmos. If you're on the fence about seeing the movie, go. It's really good and I wasn't even a die hard fan.
By 11 p.m. JP and I were both ready to pass out. (And, I missed my Sunday run. Again. I can't afford to miss any more runs...) He took his nephew downtown for the Air Race and I had a pretty full day. I made an executive decision this morning and slept in a bit. Still sleepy, but I have to power through the day.
Dresses and Running Shoes
Tonight is the last and final round of bridesmaid dress shopping. We're going to look at a few more and then make our decision based on the "keep" pile we've been creating.
Afterwards, 3 miles and hopefully the gym to hit the weights. We'll see what time it is though. Admittedly, just reading the whirlwind of activities has me worn out, but I'm sure I'll find some energy somewhere in my big toe. Just power on, just power on!
Detroit Boys
My beloved Detroit Piston's simply weren't in the game Friday night and we are done for the season. JP and I met up with my college roommate and her soon-to-be husband for, what was suppose to be, a great night. That moment where you know you simply cannot win the game is so depressing. But... we did end up on the jumbo-tron. Not a complete loss, right? :)
Drama, Drama, Drama
JP spent the day downtown at the Red Bull Air Races, having the time of his life! I spent the day:
- Running 10 miles (forgot my running watch at home, but my splits ranged between 9:30 and 10:10 minute miles)
- Post run nap!
- Going to a Mary Kay party (Girls, why do we do this to each other!?!?)
We met up just in time to head back downtown to a fabulous Cuban resturant where we were meeting up with some of my college friends and their significant others. We had the best time! I knew it would be fun, but this was the first time we invited the boys to join our get-together and we weren't quite sure how it would end up. The guys ended up really hitting it off and are actually looking forward to getting together again. The mojitos were running freely, the food was wonderful and the music/atmosphere was hard to beat.
From there, we went to our friend's bar for his birthday party. Enter drama. Long story short, he drank too much, could't stand up by himself, threw up all over the dance floor (and JP) and the guys ended up taking him to the ER. We found out the next day that there was something in his drink. How scary! We're not sure if someone intentionally drugged his drink or if he picked up someone else's drink by mistake, but scary nontheless. You always hear about it happening, but don't really think it will outside of the cheesy after school TV specials.
JP was taking care of him and really sharp, but that ended as soon as he got in the car and I started driving home. The drunkedness took over and he was a mess! Parts were funny... one example (he would so kill me if he knew I was posting this!): When I threw his stained clothes in the washing machine, he wanted to get inside to get clean, too. He said, "Iwant to spin around in it." Say this in your drunk voice, and it's pretty funny.
Finally got him to bed, cleaned up and dragged myself to bed at 5 a.m. YUCK!
Drag Queens
I had to work on Sunday morning for a local Pride festival that my client was sponsoring. So, I had to get up at 8 a.m. Barely able to open my eyes, I got ready and checked in on JP. He wasn't getting off as easily as just sleeping it off. The getting sick part didn't start until the morning. Making sure he was okay, I hurried up to experience my first LGBT speed dating event.
I get to the fesitval and let me tell you, the people watching was great! A few highlights that I saw:
- Lots of leather chaps
- One dude dressed completely in leather with a dog collar and chain. The chain was connected to a bracelet (that matched the dog collar) on his partner's (also decked out in complete leather) wrist
- Another dude dressed in a leather coat, cowboy boots and underwear briefs. NO pants!
- Lots of heels and leg warmers, on guys
- A priest...
- A blue poodle and several dogs in leather get up (for the doggie drag show)
- Drag queens -- thankfully none were more attractive than me. I hate that! :)
I totally wanted to take pictures, but that wouldn't have been very professional of me. I had a great time and had some new experiences. Like, when I was listening to a conversation about coming out to your family and one guy turned to me and asked me how I did it. He felt so embarassed when I told him I was straight.
Going into it, I wasn't sure if I was going to be upset if I got hit on or if I didn't get hit on. Well, it wasn't that big of a deal. I got hit on by a woman, a straight guy and a gay guy. Although, my co-workers there told me it didn't count if I didn't get any numbers. :)
After working all day, I headed out to the movies with JP's sisters and one of his brother's girlfriends for a girls night out. Of course, we went to see the Sex and the City movie. It was actually really good. Afterwards, we headed to a nearby bar for, whatelse, cosmos. If you're on the fence about seeing the movie, go. It's really good and I wasn't even a die hard fan.
By 11 p.m. JP and I were both ready to pass out. (And, I missed my Sunday run. Again. I can't afford to miss any more runs...) He took his nephew downtown for the Air Race and I had a pretty full day. I made an executive decision this morning and slept in a bit. Still sleepy, but I have to power through the day.
Dresses and Running Shoes
Tonight is the last and final round of bridesmaid dress shopping. We're going to look at a few more and then make our decision based on the "keep" pile we've been creating.
Afterwards, 3 miles and hopefully the gym to hit the weights. We'll see what time it is though. Admittedly, just reading the whirlwind of activities has me worn out, but I'm sure I'll find some energy somewhere in my big toe. Just power on, just power on!
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