After hitting snooze a few times and going back and forth, I finally dragged my butt out of bed this morning to go running. Ughh. I am so not a morning person, let alone a morning runner. Ricky told me to start out with an easy 20 minutes. So, I ran 2 miles this morning. Most of the time I was wondering if it was worth getting up early to only run 2 miles. But, I figured he knew what he was talking about and I should listen.
I was SO freaking tired today. Some people like to work out in the morning because it starts their day off and gives them the energy for the day. I am clearly not one of those people.
After a work happy hour (our North American president was in town) I headed home for my run. I did about 6 1/2 miles (I tried to explore new areas, but Novi is full of suddenly ending sidewalks.) about 10:00 pace. It was warm and humid, but still a good run.
So, I'm watching the Piston's (I have faith!) and then need to head to bed so I can drag my butt out of bed again tomorrow morning. I am so looking forward to it - I hear positive thinking helps.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
My new trainer
Today I worked out with my new trainer for the first time. (Long story short, Bally's corporate office told my trainer he can't train anymore because he's the manager of the club. Boo.) Ricky is a former pro soccer player and university track coach. He's from the Caribbean and freaking hilarious.
Our session was a lot of talking so he could get a sense of my background, my goals, etc. He also watched me run so he could see what he had to work with and also see where I needed to improve. The session wasn't physically hard, but it was a good workout and I think I'm going to enjoy working out with him.
1/2 mile warm up outside
3x - Leg press (135 lbs, 125 lbs, 115 lbs)
3x - Sat on the wall with one leg up
3x - Glutes
3x - Lateral arm raises (machine)
3x - Seated rows
3x - Lat pull downs
2x - Dips
2x - Wall push ups (one leg up)
Sprinting outside
Cool down
He wants me to start doing 2-a-days, two to three times a week. Uggh, I am so not a morning exerciser. Hopefully once I get used to it, it'll be easier. Thankfully I'm not downtown anymore otherwise there is no way I could do it unless I was running at 4am. So, we'll see how tomorrow morning goes.
Our session was a lot of talking so he could get a sense of my background, my goals, etc. He also watched me run so he could see what he had to work with and also see where I needed to improve. The session wasn't physically hard, but it was a good workout and I think I'm going to enjoy working out with him.
1/2 mile warm up outside
3x - Leg press (135 lbs, 125 lbs, 115 lbs)
3x - Sat on the wall with one leg up
3x - Glutes
3x - Lateral arm raises (machine)
3x - Seated rows
3x - Lat pull downs
2x - Dips
2x - Wall push ups (one leg up)
Sprinting outside
Cool down
He wants me to start doing 2-a-days, two to three times a week. Uggh, I am so not a morning exerciser. Hopefully once I get used to it, it'll be easier. Thankfully I'm not downtown anymore otherwise there is no way I could do it unless I was running at 4am. So, we'll see how tomorrow morning goes.
Monday, May 29, 2006
Weekend running
This weekend was hot. Heat and running together isn't ideal, but I had some pretty good workouts. This summer I'm going to be getting up at the butt-crack of dawn to avoid the heat and humidity.
Friday - Rest day. It's always been a rest day for me, but since I've been training with Joe on Saturday's, I've been getting in a few miles. We didn't meet this weekend, so I took advantage of it.
Saturday - Broke in a new pair of shoes with a fast four miles. Forgot my watch, again, so not sure of the pace. When I got to the gates of my community, I realized I forgot my gate card and my cell phone. So, I parked at the spa next door and ran home to get my card. Guess I needed some more distance for the day.
Sunday - Went 10 miles (10:00 pace) at the metro park. I intended to go earlier, but didn't want to get out of bed. It was already warm (70*) at 8 am, but the sun was behind the clouds for a majority of it so it was completely unbearable. My (cute, little) iPod was in disk mode and I couldn't get it out, so I had to run without music. (No comments on me not being tech-savvy) Blech! While my body is getting stronger, I'm still mentally weak. My mind kept wanting to think about things, but I didn't want to. I'm sure the longer I keep pushing it down, the longer and harder it's going to be to recover. But, I'm just not ready yet. When I first started there was a group of beautiful, tall, toned, fast-looking people. They were in front of me and I lost sight of them after awhile. However, when I finished they were just finishing up themselves and stretching. Ha, that made me smile.
Monday - Cross-training. Some arm work (bi's, tri's) and 45 minute on the bike - intervals. I tell ya, the bike always kicks my butt. However, if it helps tone my butt I'll do it.
Friday - Rest day. It's always been a rest day for me, but since I've been training with Joe on Saturday's, I've been getting in a few miles. We didn't meet this weekend, so I took advantage of it.
Saturday - Broke in a new pair of shoes with a fast four miles. Forgot my watch, again, so not sure of the pace. When I got to the gates of my community, I realized I forgot my gate card and my cell phone. So, I parked at the spa next door and ran home to get my card. Guess I needed some more distance for the day.
Sunday - Went 10 miles (10:00 pace) at the metro park. I intended to go earlier, but didn't want to get out of bed. It was already warm (70*) at 8 am, but the sun was behind the clouds for a majority of it so it was completely unbearable. My (cute, little) iPod was in disk mode and I couldn't get it out, so I had to run without music. (No comments on me not being tech-savvy) Blech! While my body is getting stronger, I'm still mentally weak. My mind kept wanting to think about things, but I didn't want to. I'm sure the longer I keep pushing it down, the longer and harder it's going to be to recover. But, I'm just not ready yet. When I first started there was a group of beautiful, tall, toned, fast-looking people. They were in front of me and I lost sight of them after awhile. However, when I finished they were just finishing up themselves and stretching. Ha, that made me smile.
Monday - Cross-training. Some arm work (bi's, tri's) and 45 minute on the bike - intervals. I tell ya, the bike always kicks my butt. However, if it helps tone my butt I'll do it.
Rosie the Riveter

Happy Memorial Day!
My dad took my grandma (a WWII vet) to our hometown parade this afternoon. He drove his 1930 Model A and my grandma, with her hat on, waved to the crowd. I'm sure they were freaking hot, but she gets a kick out of it so I guess it's worth it. She worked as a riveter and loves to tell stories of her days in the army.
Actually, many of her stories involve her and her girlfriends going to the clubs dancing and meeting service men... She was quite the party girl. All four of her older brothers were in service and, being the only girl in the family, she decided she would too. I would absolutely love to have the family flag with five stars that once hung in my great-grandparent's window, but one of my cousins is a museum/history guy so I think he has it. My one uncle was on the beaches of Normandy, shortly following D-day. He was in Patton's army and has a much harder time telling his war stories without getting teary eyed. I'll never understand what he saw or what it must have been like having your friend die in your arms.
My grandfather was also on the beaches of Normandy, in the tanks that follow the troops. I don't know a lot about his war stories. They didn't date until they were both home, so most of the stories I've heard were after the war. My grandma only says that he was, "so handsome in his uniform." Gotta hand it to her, she called it about men in uniform. :)
I've been tagged
While I'm waiting for my (cute, little) iPod to charge so I can go cross-train, I thought I'd respond to perilousknits tag.
Directions: Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with 6 facts about yourself. In the end you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. No tag backs.
1. I've donated my hair to Locks of Love twice. The first time I donated 12 inches, the second time 14 inches. The second time, the girl weighed it and my chunk of hair weighed 3 pounds! That's a lot of weight on your head! (They need donations of at least 10 inches.) I wanted to continue to grow my hair out and cut it, grow it out, cut it, but I fell in love with my short hair. I'd like to do it at least one more time... we'll see.
2. I am obsessed with Ben & Jerry's. I have a receipe book, a book about their social conscious business, two ice cream scoops, ice cream bowls and a stuffed cow. People gave these to me as gifts. I know random useless facts and I sent my resume in just so I could get a rejection letter on their letterhead. If you work there, you get 3 free pints of ice cream everyday... and a gym membership. I'd weigh 3oo pounds, but I sure would be happy!
3. I'm a car girl. I love my Explorer SportTrac (yes, I know it's an SUV) and my 1967 Mercury Cougar (MotorTrend Car of the Year). My dad, a total gear head, taught me how to change a tire, change my oil and change my brake pads. It's a good thing I have some knowledge because it's sure helped me in career - I've only worked on one account that wasn't automotive related. (And, it's helped break the ice when the men aren't sure they want a "girl" on the team.)
4. I was adopted when I was 5 months old. My brother, also adopted, and I are not blood related although we both came from South Korea. My college graduation present was going to be a family trip to Korea so we could see the country, but since 9/11 happened that year my mom wasn't too excited about traveling overseas. Hopefully one day I'll make it over.
5. I am afraid of, in order: heights, chickens, geese, all other types of birds, goats and polka dots. Please don't ask.
6. I have to take a shower before I go to bed - I can't go to bed dirty. People think it's weird that I have to take one at 3am after a night at the bar, but that's especially when I have to take one. You're all gross and smelly from the smoke, drinks spilled on you, sweaty from dancing... ugghhh.
Tag: I don't think 6 people read my blog. If you do, you're it.
Directions: Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with 6 facts about yourself. In the end you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. No tag backs.
1. I've donated my hair to Locks of Love twice. The first time I donated 12 inches, the second time 14 inches. The second time, the girl weighed it and my chunk of hair weighed 3 pounds! That's a lot of weight on your head! (They need donations of at least 10 inches.) I wanted to continue to grow my hair out and cut it, grow it out, cut it, but I fell in love with my short hair. I'd like to do it at least one more time... we'll see.
2. I am obsessed with Ben & Jerry's. I have a receipe book, a book about their social conscious business, two ice cream scoops, ice cream bowls and a stuffed cow. People gave these to me as gifts. I know random useless facts and I sent my resume in just so I could get a rejection letter on their letterhead. If you work there, you get 3 free pints of ice cream everyday... and a gym membership. I'd weigh 3oo pounds, but I sure would be happy!
3. I'm a car girl. I love my Explorer SportTrac (yes, I know it's an SUV) and my 1967 Mercury Cougar (MotorTrend Car of the Year). My dad, a total gear head, taught me how to change a tire, change my oil and change my brake pads. It's a good thing I have some knowledge because it's sure helped me in career - I've only worked on one account that wasn't automotive related. (And, it's helped break the ice when the men aren't sure they want a "girl" on the team.)
4. I was adopted when I was 5 months old. My brother, also adopted, and I are not blood related although we both came from South Korea. My college graduation present was going to be a family trip to Korea so we could see the country, but since 9/11 happened that year my mom wasn't too excited about traveling overseas. Hopefully one day I'll make it over.
5. I am afraid of, in order: heights, chickens, geese, all other types of birds, goats and polka dots. Please don't ask.
6. I have to take a shower before I go to bed - I can't go to bed dirty. People think it's weird that I have to take one at 3am after a night at the bar, but that's especially when I have to take one. You're all gross and smelly from the smoke, drinks spilled on you, sweaty from dancing... ugghhh.
Tag: I don't think 6 people read my blog. If you do, you're it.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Getting stronger
Today's workout kicked my butt - it was a really good workout! The other trainers around were all showing/explaining what each exercise I was doing to their clients. I felt a little silly at first, but then I thought, "hey, they all want to look like me." :)
3 sets:
Squats (16)
Step ups with 15 lbs. in each hand (20)
3 sets:
Leg extenstions (16)
Cardio on the bike - about 7 minutes with various resistence
Arms with the medicine ball and bicep curls with 10 lbs. in each hand
3 sets:
Stairs (5, 3, 2)
Mountain climbers on the bosu (30 seconds)
High knees on the bosu (30 seconds)
3 sets:
Hamstring curls - (16,14, 12)
Leg presses (1oo lbs - 16x, 120 lbs - 14x, 134 lbs - 12)
Stairs (2)
3 sets:
Inclined chest presses (14)
Plyometric push ups - no knees (10)
Diamond push ups - no knees (10)
3 sets:
Seated rows (14)
? (14)
1 lap - 30 seconds
Row machine - 60 seconds
3 laps - 90 seconds
Row machine - 60 seconds
1 lap each - high knees, butt kicks
1 lap - 45 seconds
I got there about 15 minutes early (which never happens) thinking that if I got there early, I would get out earlier and wouldn't miss as much of the Piston's game. While we were waiting for the stretching table Joe and I started talking about the series and all of a sudden he goes, "That's why you got here early tonight." He knows me too well.
We're playing well tonight and with great energy! Go Pistons!
3 sets:
Squats (16)
Step ups with 15 lbs. in each hand (20)
3 sets:
Leg extenstions (16)
Cardio on the bike - about 7 minutes with various resistence
Arms with the medicine ball and bicep curls with 10 lbs. in each hand
3 sets:
Stairs (5, 3, 2)
Mountain climbers on the bosu (30 seconds)
High knees on the bosu (30 seconds)
3 sets:
Hamstring curls - (16,14, 12)
Leg presses (1oo lbs - 16x, 120 lbs - 14x, 134 lbs - 12)
Stairs (2)
3 sets:
Inclined chest presses (14)
Plyometric push ups - no knees (10)
Diamond push ups - no knees (10)
3 sets:
Seated rows (14)
? (14)
1 lap - 30 seconds
Row machine - 60 seconds
3 laps - 90 seconds
Row machine - 60 seconds
1 lap each - high knees, butt kicks
1 lap - 45 seconds
I got there about 15 minutes early (which never happens) thinking that if I got there early, I would get out earlier and wouldn't miss as much of the Piston's game. While we were waiting for the stretching table Joe and I started talking about the series and all of a sudden he goes, "That's why you got here early tonight." He knows me too well.
We're playing well tonight and with great energy! Go Pistons!
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Today I learned about blogging...
This afternoon I went to a professional luncheon to "network." (Really, I just wanted a free lunch. However, the food sucked and I had to go to my back up lunch when I got back to the office which I wisely packed just in case.) Anyway, the topic was on blogging and how blogs can positively affect communications. Ed Garsten, who is a former journalist, was the speaker and talked about running DCX's blog. It is only geared only towards journalists, which is a different approach from GM's FastLane blog, which I am more familiar with. Most of the info wasn't new to me, but it was interesting nonetheless.
It was so hard going back to the office after being outside in the gorgerous sunny weather! Tonight I had a hair appointment, which ran late, so I had to go to the gym tonight to workout. I ran four miles (9:00 pace), worked abs and lots of push ups. I've had this little stich under my ribs on the right side for nearly two weeks now. It bothered me while running tonight and stretching it doesn't seem to work. No idea what it is, but it's not going away. I am trying to not let it freak me out!
It was so hard going back to the office after being outside in the gorgerous sunny weather! Tonight I had a hair appointment, which ran late, so I had to go to the gym tonight to workout. I ran four miles (9:00 pace), worked abs and lots of push ups. I've had this little stich under my ribs on the right side for nearly two weeks now. It bothered me while running tonight and stretching it doesn't seem to work. No idea what it is, but it's not going away. I am trying to not let it freak me out!
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
A beautiful day for a run!
Today is a beautiful spring day - warm and sunny. I love days like this! And, tonight was just a great night to go for a run. I was downtown at the RenCen for some marathon GM meetings (GM is notorious for meeting for hours) but I still made it home relatively early. I went for six mile run at a pretty good pace. I forgot my watch, but I pushed the pace. My legs were ready to get stretched out after yesterday's workout. And can I say, I love listening to Kid Rock (on my cute, little iPod) while running. If you know me, you probably wouldn't picture me as a Kid Rock fan. It's great running music!
So, after a one day break my boys are starting the Eastern Conference Finals tonight. Miami has had quite a break and you can tell their legs are fresh. Don't worry - I have faith in the Piston's!
So, after a one day break my boys are starting the Eastern Conference Finals tonight. Miami has had quite a break and you can tell their legs are fresh. Don't worry - I have faith in the Piston's!
Monday, May 22, 2006
danger and trouble
hahahahahahaha - mouse and I have created a blog to let the world in on all of the random happenings that occur when the two of us are together. Since we've known each other since grade school, if we go home we often bump into people that know both of us. The conversation generally goes something like this:
"How is everything? What are you doing now?"
"Oh, I'm great. I live in Novi. With (insert the other's name here)."
Insert look of simultaneous amusement and horror
"We have lots of fun."
"I bet you do..."
Workout with Joe today was good. We started with legs:
3 sets:
Leg presses (16)
Walking lunghes with the bar (?lbs.)
Leg extentions (16)
Lunges - back foot on the bosu (20) 1x
Lunges - front foot on the bosu (20) 1x
Lunges - each foot on a bosu (20) 1x
Hamstring curls (16)
Squats - each foot on a bosu while extending a 5 lbs. medicine ball (20)
15 minutes on the bike with a series of arm exercises (15 lbs. medicine ball extensions, bicep curls w/ 5 lbs. weights, etc.) Ranged in degrees of resistence. Kicked my butt!
3 sets:
High knees on the trampoline (90 second)
Stairs (3)
Wow! This was really hard going from one surface to the next. My legs felt like dead weight!
3 sets:
Chest press (16)
Push ups - no knees (10)
High knees (60 seconds)
3 sets:
Shoulders (12)
Jumping jacks (60 seconds)
3 sets:
Pull ups (12)
Dips (12)
1 set:
Biceps w/ the bar (?lbs.)
- 10 half way up
- 10 half way down
- 10 full bicep curls
Good workout and the cardio in the middle of the workout really kicked my butt. That's the second session we've done this and it's totally blown me out. Hey, whatever it takes. Right? I need to just keep telling myself that. It is always worth it.
"How is everything? What are you doing now?"
"Oh, I'm great. I live in Novi. With (insert the other's name here)."
Insert look of simultaneous amusement and horror
"We have lots of fun."
"I bet you do..."
Workout with Joe today was good. We started with legs:
3 sets:
Leg presses (16)
Walking lunghes with the bar (?lbs.)
Leg extentions (16)
Lunges - back foot on the bosu (20) 1x
Lunges - front foot on the bosu (20) 1x
Lunges - each foot on a bosu (20) 1x
Hamstring curls (16)
Squats - each foot on a bosu while extending a 5 lbs. medicine ball (20)
15 minutes on the bike with a series of arm exercises (15 lbs. medicine ball extensions, bicep curls w/ 5 lbs. weights, etc.) Ranged in degrees of resistence. Kicked my butt!
3 sets:
High knees on the trampoline (90 second)
Stairs (3)
Wow! This was really hard going from one surface to the next. My legs felt like dead weight!
3 sets:
Chest press (16)
Push ups - no knees (10)
High knees (60 seconds)
3 sets:
Shoulders (12)
Jumping jacks (60 seconds)
3 sets:
Pull ups (12)
Dips (12)
1 set:
Biceps w/ the bar (?lbs.)
- 10 half way up
- 10 half way down
- 10 full bicep curls
Good workout and the cardio in the middle of the workout really kicked my butt. That's the second session we've done this and it's totally blown me out. Hey, whatever it takes. Right? I need to just keep telling myself that. It is always worth it.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Saturday, May 20, 2006
A night in the "D"
It was a beautiful day to run today. Unfortunately, my run didn't match the weather. Hmmm... wonder if it had anything to do with a late night of drinking... Went out to a local metro park and did eight miles - had to go out and back due to the said construction on the path. My splits were not consistent at all. My legs felt very heavy and, for some weird reason my butt hurt. Not sure why since I haven't lifted legs in the past few days.
Mile 1 - 9:25
Mile 2 - 9:44
Mile 3 - 10:04
Mile 4 - 9:49
Mile 5 - 9:50
Mile 6/7 - 20:03
Mile 8 - 9:53
Since I did out and backs, I had to go down the hills that I usually run up. Wow, hadn't run down hills in a LONG time. Ugg... I still don't feel like a "real" runner again yet.
Oh, and apparently there was a sighting of a girl running in a pink, leopard print skirt in the metro park where I was running. I didn't see the sight myself, but apparently it caused quite a stir among the other runners. You know, guys running off the path, women stopping in their tracks because they realized they would never be able to pull of that outfit. There are only 200 of these skirts out there, so getting a glimpse of this is something only a few can say they've seen.
Last night I went to the Tiger's game with some college friends. Prior to the game, my college roommate and I hit the Detroit Beer Co. - one of my favorite's. We've decided that if we lived closer to each other (she lives on the other side of the state) it would be trouble. :) Not a huge baseball fan myself, we went down to one of the bars in the park to watch the last quarter of the Piston's game. WHOOOO HOOOO! It was so funny because every TV with the Piston's game on had a huge crowd huddled around. One cute old woman was there and goes, "How many years have I had season tickets? The Tiger's are finally good and I'm watching TV!" It was VERY stressful, but much more exciting than the baseball game. Unfortunately, the Tiger's ended their record-setting winning streak but the Piston's pulled off the victory... barely. Afterward, we enjoyed the post-game fireworks and then went to Chelios Chili. It really is fun hanging out in downtown! Later my old roommate and I attempted to change and go out in Novi. It was around 12:30 am but we were SO tired. Yeah. We didn't make it. All in all, it was a great night.
Mile 1 - 9:25
Mile 2 - 9:44
Mile 3 - 10:04
Mile 4 - 9:49
Mile 5 - 9:50
Mile 6/7 - 20:03
Mile 8 - 9:53
Since I did out and backs, I had to go down the hills that I usually run up. Wow, hadn't run down hills in a LONG time. Ugg... I still don't feel like a "real" runner again yet.
Oh, and apparently there was a sighting of a girl running in a pink, leopard print skirt in the metro park where I was running. I didn't see the sight myself, but apparently it caused quite a stir among the other runners. You know, guys running off the path, women stopping in their tracks because they realized they would never be able to pull of that outfit. There are only 200 of these skirts out there, so getting a glimpse of this is something only a few can say they've seen.
Last night I went to the Tiger's game with some college friends. Prior to the game, my college roommate and I hit the Detroit Beer Co. - one of my favorite's. We've decided that if we lived closer to each other (she lives on the other side of the state) it would be trouble. :) Not a huge baseball fan myself, we went down to one of the bars in the park to watch the last quarter of the Piston's game. WHOOOO HOOOO! It was so funny because every TV with the Piston's game on had a huge crowd huddled around. One cute old woman was there and goes, "How many years have I had season tickets? The Tiger's are finally good and I'm watching TV!" It was VERY stressful, but much more exciting than the baseball game. Unfortunately, the Tiger's ended their record-setting winning streak but the Piston's pulled off the victory... barely. Afterward, we enjoyed the post-game fireworks and then went to Chelios Chili. It really is fun hanging out in downtown! Later my old roommate and I attempted to change and go out in Novi. It was around 12:30 am but we were SO tired. Yeah. We didn't make it. All in all, it was a great night.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Dear Chompers:
Dear Chompers,
Exactly one year ago today you were born/died. Here's how I learned that you existed:
I was up early because I had an early flight to NYC for a business trip. At first I was fine, but then about 15 minutes later I was curled up on my bathroom floor with the absolute worst pain I had ever experienced in my life. I tried to continue getting ready, but it wasn't happening. Not knowing what else to do, I called my parents (they get up early anyway). They thought it might be my appedix and told me to go to the ER. A little while later they called back to see if I had gone. I hadn't because I was still on the floor, trying to figure out where exactly it hurt. I knew the doctors would ask and I figured I should have an answer for them. Finally, I went into my roommates room and said, "where's your appendix?" She jumped out of bed and ran around to throw some clothes on. I laid on the floor and called my co-worker to tell her I was, "going to the ER, I didn't know what was wrong, don't worry and I'll try to catch another flight out."
So here it is like 5 am and NO ONE is in the ER (which is thankfully right across the road from my apartment!) I still had to wait and was curled up in the fetal position on the waiting room chairs. It took forever to register and the lady kept asking me the same question over and over. I remember telling my roommate that at that moment I never wishe so badly that I just had a chip in my arm that she could scan and get everything. After a short evaluation, I finally got called back to be seen by the doctor on call.
I was miserable and they kept asking me if I could be pregnant.
"Are you sure?"
"We really need to know..."
They did an exam and it was not fun. Again, they started with the pregnancy questions. Ah no, but I'm guessing you don't think it's my appendix otherwise I could have DIED by now!
The timeline gets a little fuzzy, but I remember being taken to X-Ray and I could barely stand up for the tech to get it. My great roommate stayed in the waiting room and when my mom got there they both came back. A new doctor's shift had started so a man came into the room and told me that there was a mass in abdomen. Hmm... didn't really comprehend what he was saying. He said it wasn't cancerous (hmmm... hadn't thought about that until you just said it) but that they needed to do some more tests. Okay. I also remember that I was actually thinking I was going to catch a flight to New York yet.
I had to drink several cups of neon yellow liquid before they could do a god-awful test. It was not pleasant to say the least. When the results came back they found I had three large cysts on my ovaries. And that they needed to be taken out. Now, in my mind I'm thinking, "Hmmm... GM shut down is in July. Maybe I'll have surgery then."
The doctor said, "They can get you in at 3pm." Okay, so you mean I need to do this now. I was hoping it would just go away on its own. I didn't comprehend what was going on, what he wanted to do, or the magnitude of the surgery they were proposing. I could see his mouth moving and hear that sound was coming out, but could not understand what he was saying. It was a very bizarre moment.
By this time I wasn't in horrible pain anymore, but my stomach was terribly swollen. I looked very pregnant. Weird! I was perfectly fine the day before. I went to the main hospital in Southfield and they took me to my room before the OR. By this time I was laughing and joking around with my parents and roommate. My hospital roommate thought we were nuts! Here I was about to have major surgery and we're making jokes.
Before the surgery, I met with several residents and my surgeon. They showed me my x-rays and whoa! It looked like I had a set of dentures in my stomach! I had dermoid cysts, which are cysts that have hair, teeth, bones and fatty deposits inside. Since the teeth so clearly stood out, I affectionately named you Chompers.
They took me down to surgery around 9pm. I specifically remember telling the doctors to go ahead and give me a tummy tuck while they were in there. They must have forgotten.
They told me after I was prepped they would let my family/friends in to see me. Yeah, they forgot that too.
I had been to the Dominican Republic the month before so I had a nice tan line for them, which they used as the line to cut on. Really guys. Just a little bit lower would have been appreciated. I'm hoping to wear my bathing suit this year.
I remember waking up in my hospital room and not being able to open my eyes. They asked if I wanted to get into my bed by myself or if I was too tired. "Too tired," I mumbled. I did rember asking if the surgeon was able to save my ovaries (something they weren't sure of until they got inside.) Whoever answered said that was a question for the doctor. I was positive that meant, "no."
Thankfully it didn't and they were able to save everything. Chompers, you were the size of a softball and the other two were the size of baseballs. Not sure how you all fit in there, but you did. I asked them to take a picture of you, but they didn't do that either. Although you were probably the grossest thing ever to look at, I really wanted to see you!
I was in the hospital for four days and three nights, which I remember very little of. Loved that morphine pump. Getting in and out of bed was so tiring. You would think it wouldn't be that difficult to get out of bed and sit in the chair next to you. It was so hard. Walking was so painful and I couldn't do it for awhile without assistance.
After going home, it's still really fuzzy. Must have been those great pink pills they gave me. While I was on medical leave my family and friends were so good to me. The apartment was filled with cards, flowers and gifts. My roommate was seriously the best roommate ever - she set up my room for me before I got there, helped with my laundry, she even shaved my legs for me.
So, that's how the story started. Anyway, it's been quite a sucky year and, unfortunately, it's not over yet.
Exactly one year ago today you were born/died. Here's how I learned that you existed:
I was up early because I had an early flight to NYC for a business trip. At first I was fine, but then about 15 minutes later I was curled up on my bathroom floor with the absolute worst pain I had ever experienced in my life. I tried to continue getting ready, but it wasn't happening. Not knowing what else to do, I called my parents (they get up early anyway). They thought it might be my appedix and told me to go to the ER. A little while later they called back to see if I had gone. I hadn't because I was still on the floor, trying to figure out where exactly it hurt. I knew the doctors would ask and I figured I should have an answer for them. Finally, I went into my roommates room and said, "where's your appendix?" She jumped out of bed and ran around to throw some clothes on. I laid on the floor and called my co-worker to tell her I was, "going to the ER, I didn't know what was wrong, don't worry and I'll try to catch another flight out."
So here it is like 5 am and NO ONE is in the ER (which is thankfully right across the road from my apartment!) I still had to wait and was curled up in the fetal position on the waiting room chairs. It took forever to register and the lady kept asking me the same question over and over. I remember telling my roommate that at that moment I never wishe so badly that I just had a chip in my arm that she could scan and get everything. After a short evaluation, I finally got called back to be seen by the doctor on call.
I was miserable and they kept asking me if I could be pregnant.
"Are you sure?"
"We really need to know..."
They did an exam and it was not fun. Again, they started with the pregnancy questions. Ah no, but I'm guessing you don't think it's my appendix otherwise I could have DIED by now!
The timeline gets a little fuzzy, but I remember being taken to X-Ray and I could barely stand up for the tech to get it. My great roommate stayed in the waiting room and when my mom got there they both came back. A new doctor's shift had started so a man came into the room and told me that there was a mass in abdomen. Hmm... didn't really comprehend what he was saying. He said it wasn't cancerous (hmmm... hadn't thought about that until you just said it) but that they needed to do some more tests. Okay. I also remember that I was actually thinking I was going to catch a flight to New York yet.
I had to drink several cups of neon yellow liquid before they could do a god-awful test. It was not pleasant to say the least. When the results came back they found I had three large cysts on my ovaries. And that they needed to be taken out. Now, in my mind I'm thinking, "Hmmm... GM shut down is in July. Maybe I'll have surgery then."
The doctor said, "They can get you in at 3pm." Okay, so you mean I need to do this now. I was hoping it would just go away on its own. I didn't comprehend what was going on, what he wanted to do, or the magnitude of the surgery they were proposing. I could see his mouth moving and hear that sound was coming out, but could not understand what he was saying. It was a very bizarre moment.
By this time I wasn't in horrible pain anymore, but my stomach was terribly swollen. I looked very pregnant. Weird! I was perfectly fine the day before. I went to the main hospital in Southfield and they took me to my room before the OR. By this time I was laughing and joking around with my parents and roommate. My hospital roommate thought we were nuts! Here I was about to have major surgery and we're making jokes.
Before the surgery, I met with several residents and my surgeon. They showed me my x-rays and whoa! It looked like I had a set of dentures in my stomach! I had dermoid cysts, which are cysts that have hair, teeth, bones and fatty deposits inside. Since the teeth so clearly stood out, I affectionately named you Chompers.
They took me down to surgery around 9pm. I specifically remember telling the doctors to go ahead and give me a tummy tuck while they were in there. They must have forgotten.
They told me after I was prepped they would let my family/friends in to see me. Yeah, they forgot that too.
I had been to the Dominican Republic the month before so I had a nice tan line for them, which they used as the line to cut on. Really guys. Just a little bit lower would have been appreciated. I'm hoping to wear my bathing suit this year.
I remember waking up in my hospital room and not being able to open my eyes. They asked if I wanted to get into my bed by myself or if I was too tired. "Too tired," I mumbled. I did rember asking if the surgeon was able to save my ovaries (something they weren't sure of until they got inside.) Whoever answered said that was a question for the doctor. I was positive that meant, "no."
Thankfully it didn't and they were able to save everything. Chompers, you were the size of a softball and the other two were the size of baseballs. Not sure how you all fit in there, but you did. I asked them to take a picture of you, but they didn't do that either. Although you were probably the grossest thing ever to look at, I really wanted to see you!
I was in the hospital for four days and three nights, which I remember very little of. Loved that morphine pump. Getting in and out of bed was so tiring. You would think it wouldn't be that difficult to get out of bed and sit in the chair next to you. It was so hard. Walking was so painful and I couldn't do it for awhile without assistance.
After going home, it's still really fuzzy. Must have been those great pink pills they gave me. While I was on medical leave my family and friends were so good to me. The apartment was filled with cards, flowers and gifts. My roommate was seriously the best roommate ever - she set up my room for me before I got there, helped with my laundry, she even shaved my legs for me.
So, that's how the story started. Anyway, it's been quite a sucky year and, unfortunately, it's not over yet.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
"10,000 Days"
Oh yeah, this headline caught my eye yesterday in the Detroit Free Press and it made me laugh.
"Tool gives Detroit fans a raucous show; Metal band storms a sold-out Fox"

"Tool gives Detroit fans a raucous show; Metal band storms a sold-out Fox"

Tool (STEPHEN McGEE/Detroit Free Press)
I bet crazytoolboy was there! What a jerk...
I *heart* abs
This morning my physical therapist and I called it quits. She doesn't know what's wrong and I'm not getting any better. She said that the door is always open and believes my doctor will send me back to her. Right. You haven't done much in the last few months, but I'll keep coming anyway.
Sucked ass today during my workout with Joe. Well, cardio sucked and, with a strange twist, my upper body workout wasn't that bad. Yea! I am getting stronger. The best part of the workout (I'm so embarassed to say this. I'm such a girl!) was when one of the trainers, who is doing a competition this weekend, came by while I was on the bike (and lifting weights at the same time... uggh) to talk to Joe. (Let's pretend he came over to see me instead though. After all, I am SO cute!) He lifted his shirt to show his abs and Joe goes, "Hey, do you think he's ready for his competition?" Okay, first of all I am a total abs girl. Second of all, this guys were freaking incredible!!! I think I was able to get out a "mmmhmmm" without drooling. I did manage to concentrate on not dropping the weights.
I LOVE a guy with great abs!!!
Sucked ass today during my workout with Joe. Well, cardio sucked and, with a strange twist, my upper body workout wasn't that bad. Yea! I am getting stronger. The best part of the workout (I'm so embarassed to say this. I'm such a girl!) was when one of the trainers, who is doing a competition this weekend, came by while I was on the bike (and lifting weights at the same time... uggh) to talk to Joe. (Let's pretend he came over to see me instead though. After all, I am SO cute!) He lifted his shirt to show his abs and Joe goes, "Hey, do you think he's ready for his competition?" Okay, first of all I am a total abs girl. Second of all, this guys were freaking incredible!!! I think I was able to get out a "mmmhmmm" without drooling. I did manage to concentrate on not dropping the weights.
I LOVE a guy with great abs!!!
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Today was a better day. That's not saying a lot about yesterday being that today started off with getting some tests done. Ultrasounds don't hurt, but it's not really comfortable either.
First, I had to drink a few gallons (okay 40 oz.) of water an hour before my test. They are pretty good about getting you in on time. Probably because they know if they don't, your bladder will explode all over the place. So, here you are feeling like your bladder is going to EXPLODE and they press down on it. One of the best feelings in the entire world is finally peeing after having to hold it for an extended amount of time. Then, they did the other test. You don't want to know the details of this one.
My training session got pushed back until tomorrow and I was totally not prepared to figure out a workout. I really need to pick a pre-training training plan. For some reason I thought it would be a good idea to do six quarter mile repeats (8:00 pace) with a 9:00 pace quarter in between. "Cooled" down with an easy mile. Followed by abs and push ups on the bosu. Shortly afterwards, this was all negated by doing a late night run to the grocery store with mouse to get pita chips (we needed a transport for all of the hummus in the fridge) and ice cream.
It really is like a slumber party every night here. It's so funny because there are only two of us and our apartment isn't super small but we often seem to be in the same room. For example, we're sitting in my room, working on our own stuff, listening to "the soundtrack of our life." We are going to look back on our years living together and laugh hysterically!
First, I had to drink a few gallons (okay 40 oz.) of water an hour before my test. They are pretty good about getting you in on time. Probably because they know if they don't, your bladder will explode all over the place. So, here you are feeling like your bladder is going to EXPLODE and they press down on it. One of the best feelings in the entire world is finally peeing after having to hold it for an extended amount of time. Then, they did the other test. You don't want to know the details of this one.
My training session got pushed back until tomorrow and I was totally not prepared to figure out a workout. I really need to pick a pre-training training plan. For some reason I thought it would be a good idea to do six quarter mile repeats (8:00 pace) with a 9:00 pace quarter in between. "Cooled" down with an easy mile. Followed by abs and push ups on the bosu. Shortly afterwards, this was all negated by doing a late night run to the grocery store with mouse to get pita chips (we needed a transport for all of the hummus in the fridge) and ice cream.
It really is like a slumber party every night here. It's so funny because there are only two of us and our apartment isn't super small but we often seem to be in the same room. For example, we're sitting in my room, working on our own stuff, listening to "the soundtrack of our life." We are going to look back on our years living together and laugh hysterically!
Monday, May 15, 2006
"Looks like somebody has a case of the Mondays"
Today was not the best day ever. No one thing made it especially bad, but all in all, it was just one of those shitty Mondays.
Last night I didn't sleep well, so getting up was difficult. I got out of bed late and since I haven't done laundry in a long time I didn't have much to choose from. The pants that were clean don't fit well and I didn't have many tops to match those particular pants. Ended up finding a skirt that looked okay but because of my wardrobe problem, I left a little behind schedule. Traffic sucked. The detour to avoid the construction that was causing the sucky traffic sucked. I had to call PT to cancel because I was already late, no where near Royal Oak and the session is only an hour. Traffic continued to suck. Had a mini-nervous breakdown in the office parking lot. Left my umbrella in the office on Friday and it was pouring out.
Went to the gym after work (really, really not wanting to but knew I should) and did an hour on the eliptical. Oh yeah, and I forgot to pack my hair clips, my watch, a towel, my waterbottle and my (cute, little) iPod. I'm lucky I remembered to put my shoes in my bag.
Got home and found my roommate also had a shitty day. While watching (an incredibly annoying and stupid) Grey's Anatomy we comiserated by drinking wine. And the Piston's lost another game to Cleveland.
So, I probably should have just gone right back to bed this morning. I mean, when you start quoting Office Space you know the day is a goner. But... tomorrow's another day.
Last night I didn't sleep well, so getting up was difficult. I got out of bed late and since I haven't done laundry in a long time I didn't have much to choose from. The pants that were clean don't fit well and I didn't have many tops to match those particular pants. Ended up finding a skirt that looked okay but because of my wardrobe problem, I left a little behind schedule. Traffic sucked. The detour to avoid the construction that was causing the sucky traffic sucked. I had to call PT to cancel because I was already late, no where near Royal Oak and the session is only an hour. Traffic continued to suck. Had a mini-nervous breakdown in the office parking lot. Left my umbrella in the office on Friday and it was pouring out.
Went to the gym after work (really, really not wanting to but knew I should) and did an hour on the eliptical. Oh yeah, and I forgot to pack my hair clips, my watch, a towel, my waterbottle and my (cute, little) iPod. I'm lucky I remembered to put my shoes in my bag.
Got home and found my roommate also had a shitty day. While watching (an incredibly annoying and stupid) Grey's Anatomy we comiserated by drinking wine. And the Piston's lost another game to Cleveland.
So, I probably should have just gone right back to bed this morning. I mean, when you start quoting Office Space you know the day is a goner. But... tomorrow's another day.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Oh no! I'm the freak of the office!
Well, you can only hide it for so long. Today, two people from our New York office came in for a visit. They wanted to get a better feel for the Detroit office, who we are and what we do. So, during lunch we went around and explained our past accounts, current accounts and any personal hobbies/interests. (They are in charge of our corporate PR, so they were looking for unique story angles.) Everyone is pretty straightforward with their answers. Then it's my turn. Keep in mind, I prefer for everyone to think of me as the quiet, completely innocent girl who is always 100% professional. A few people know a weird random fact or two about me, but I've always kept it so one person doesn't know a too many of the weird things I do. Yeah. So that changed today.
So, I was going through what I was doing and my accounts have a much broader range than everyone else. I went from emissions standards to cowboys. Everyone was laughing about it but I didn't really find this funny. Story of my life though. Whenever I try to be funny, no one laughs. But people laugh when I'm not trying to be funny. Hmmmm...
Anyway, I was telling them about my personal interests. I'm a car girl and own a classic car. Everyone in the room did the head nod like, "Hmm, cool." Then I said I run marathons. Everyone in the room again did the head nod like, "Wow, that's really cool." We went off on a tangent for a bit about the races I've done and if I needed to do a quick flash of my passport while crossing into Canada during the Detroit Marathon. I was pretty much done. No harm done thus far.
Then someone mentioned that I love Ben & Jerry's. I couldn't help it, I got way excited! I told them I was slightly obsessed with B&J and could tell you anything about the company. Everyone in the room laughed and thought, "that's funny but she's kinda weird." Of course, they asked for an example. I told them that back in the day, and supposedly it still goes on, that the candy in the ice cream is not broken by a machine. Instead, they go up a foot ladder and drop the box of candy to the ground where it then breaks into different sized pieces. Everyone in the room looked at me like I was crazy obsessed.
Then someone said that I was also the useless knowledge queen. Everyone looked at me, wondering what was going to come out of my mouth. I gave them two: 1) If you are ever being attacked by a shark, try to flip it over onto its back. Shark's pass out when they are on their back. 2) Zebras stripes are not symetrical from one side to the other. It is this way so when a lion is chasing them (yes, I did the chasing movement with my arms - I was totally into it...) it gets confused as to which direction the zebras are actually going. One of the NY girls (who didn't dress nearly as stylishly as I expected) asked what types of books/magazines I read to gain all of my useless knowledge. I sheepishly said, "Well... I was on medical leave for a couple of months and there isn't much on TV. Oh, and I was pretty heavily medicated" The room exploded in laughter. They wrote down, "Has a drug problem." One of the guys commented on how random my interests are and that I must be the most interesting person in the office. My comment: "Yeah, I'm the freak of the office." It just kinda popped out. I think they all are a little closer to seeing the true me. (And I didn't even mention my guilty pleasure of the TV show 'Miami Ink" of that I don't speak Asian.)
Anyway, onto my workout. Since I have to go to a stupid wedding shower on Saturday (I'm convinced that having to go to showers is the worst thing about being a woman), I had to reschedule my training session for tonight. It was a really good workout.
We focused on arms, and did so many things I can't really recall the exact workout. We did all machines, lots of push ups on the bosu and running stairs with a 20 lbs. medicine ball. At the end we did some speed work on the track. He said I'm definitely getting stronger. I prefer to think of it as I'm getting ripped.
Well, my work load nearly doubled this week at work and I've got stuff to do yet tonight. Uggh, I just remembered I have to pack too. I HATE PACKING!!!! Unfortunately, there's no one around to help me procrastinate.
So, I was going through what I was doing and my accounts have a much broader range than everyone else. I went from emissions standards to cowboys. Everyone was laughing about it but I didn't really find this funny. Story of my life though. Whenever I try to be funny, no one laughs. But people laugh when I'm not trying to be funny. Hmmmm...
Anyway, I was telling them about my personal interests. I'm a car girl and own a classic car. Everyone in the room did the head nod like, "Hmm, cool." Then I said I run marathons. Everyone in the room again did the head nod like, "Wow, that's really cool." We went off on a tangent for a bit about the races I've done and if I needed to do a quick flash of my passport while crossing into Canada during the Detroit Marathon. I was pretty much done. No harm done thus far.
Then someone mentioned that I love Ben & Jerry's. I couldn't help it, I got way excited! I told them I was slightly obsessed with B&J and could tell you anything about the company. Everyone in the room laughed and thought, "that's funny but she's kinda weird." Of course, they asked for an example. I told them that back in the day, and supposedly it still goes on, that the candy in the ice cream is not broken by a machine. Instead, they go up a foot ladder and drop the box of candy to the ground where it then breaks into different sized pieces. Everyone in the room looked at me like I was crazy obsessed.
Then someone said that I was also the useless knowledge queen. Everyone looked at me, wondering what was going to come out of my mouth. I gave them two: 1) If you are ever being attacked by a shark, try to flip it over onto its back. Shark's pass out when they are on their back. 2) Zebras stripes are not symetrical from one side to the other. It is this way so when a lion is chasing them (yes, I did the chasing movement with my arms - I was totally into it...) it gets confused as to which direction the zebras are actually going. One of the NY girls (who didn't dress nearly as stylishly as I expected) asked what types of books/magazines I read to gain all of my useless knowledge. I sheepishly said, "Well... I was on medical leave for a couple of months and there isn't much on TV. Oh, and I was pretty heavily medicated" The room exploded in laughter. They wrote down, "Has a drug problem." One of the guys commented on how random my interests are and that I must be the most interesting person in the office. My comment: "Yeah, I'm the freak of the office." It just kinda popped out. I think they all are a little closer to seeing the true me. (And I didn't even mention my guilty pleasure of the TV show 'Miami Ink" of that I don't speak Asian.)
Anyway, onto my workout. Since I have to go to a stupid wedding shower on Saturday (I'm convinced that having to go to showers is the worst thing about being a woman), I had to reschedule my training session for tonight. It was a really good workout.
We focused on arms, and did so many things I can't really recall the exact workout. We did all machines, lots of push ups on the bosu and running stairs with a 20 lbs. medicine ball. At the end we did some speed work on the track. He said I'm definitely getting stronger. I prefer to think of it as I'm getting ripped.
Well, my work load nearly doubled this week at work and I've got stuff to do yet tonight. Uggh, I just remembered I have to pack too. I HATE PACKING!!!! Unfortunately, there's no one around to help me procrastinate.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Today's Randon Tidbits
A few little tidbits from the day:
* While I appreciate a woman wanting long, nicely manicured fingernails, it is not always appropriate for certain professions. Say, physical therapy. Thank you for cutting them before today's session.
* To the (very white) man behind me in line. Just because you lived near Chinatown in New York, that does not make you half-Asian. Seriously. Where do these people come from!?!
* A note to new professionals: We all pay our dues.
* Nothing says comradery like ordering take-out with your co-workers because everyone is working late. (See, some PR professionals do work past 5 pm)
* I don't necessarily believe in ghosts, but I don't not believe in them. Admittedly, I was totally freaked out walking back into a dark office to retrieve a forgotten item after hearing tales of our office ghost.
* Today I learned the origin of "boy short" underwear. While working out at the clubhouse, there was a guy wearing a tight t-shirt, EXTREMELY SHORT AND TIGHT shorts (seriously, they really did look like my boy short underwear! I saw enough from the back, that I can only imagine what it looked like from the front!), and a backwards trucker-style hat. Oh, and he was doing leg extensions while wearing flip flops. He was also watching American Idol, or some show similar to it. It was quite a sight.
* Four miles (10:30 pace) goes by pretty quickly while watching basketball. Miami blew out the Nets tonight. Their 20 point win put the Round at 1-1.
Just some random observations and thoughts for the day...
* While I appreciate a woman wanting long, nicely manicured fingernails, it is not always appropriate for certain professions. Say, physical therapy. Thank you for cutting them before today's session.
* To the (very white) man behind me in line. Just because you lived near Chinatown in New York, that does not make you half-Asian. Seriously. Where do these people come from!?!
* A note to new professionals: We all pay our dues.
* Nothing says comradery like ordering take-out with your co-workers because everyone is working late. (See, some PR professionals do work past 5 pm)
* I don't necessarily believe in ghosts, but I don't not believe in them. Admittedly, I was totally freaked out walking back into a dark office to retrieve a forgotten item after hearing tales of our office ghost.
* Today I learned the origin of "boy short" underwear. While working out at the clubhouse, there was a guy wearing a tight t-shirt, EXTREMELY SHORT AND TIGHT shorts (seriously, they really did look like my boy short underwear! I saw enough from the back, that I can only imagine what it looked like from the front!), and a backwards trucker-style hat. Oh, and he was doing leg extensions while wearing flip flops. He was also watching American Idol, or some show similar to it. It was quite a sight.
* Four miles (10:30 pace) goes by pretty quickly while watching basketball. Miami blew out the Nets tonight. Their 20 point win put the Round at 1-1.
Just some random observations and thoughts for the day...
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
A New Day
Awhile back Andrea suggested I try those heatwraps during the day and see if those relieve any pain. After yesterday's session, I thought I would give it a whirl. I tried a ThermaCare Heatwrap today and, to my amazement, they really do stay warm for 8 hours. Throughout the pad there are these little discs which are the heat source. It was weird because I really didn't notice the heat, but I checked to see if it was working a few times and it was still warm. The small one fit comfortably under my clothes and it's thin enough that no one could tell it was there. I'm not sure how much it helped, but I think I'll continue trying it for a few days and see how it goes. (Scale 1-10: 7-8)
Tonight's session with Joe was okay. We're going to work on me not feeling so intimidated in the weight room. It's not that I was the only female in the room or that I can't lift that much, but I just don't know how to use most of the equipment. Tonight's workout:
3 sets:
Squats with the bar - started with 25 lbs. weights on each side and then upped it to 35 lbs. (16, 12) I was suppose to do 3 sets, but only managed two. It wasn't the weight that was the problem, it was my form and getting comfortable with the move. I kept feeling like I was going to fall backwards. Joe was right behind me and kept assuring me I wouldn't, but all I could picture was me slowing falling backwards and landing on my back with my feet in the air. Like the little kid that has too much weight in his bookbag. Yea, that's what I was picturing. We really need to work on this.
Lunges - 25 lbs. weights in each hand (10 and 10 mini pumps)
Toe taps on the bosu - 60 seconds
3 sets:
Half squat machine (16, 12, 10)
Hop ups on the step (20)
Toe taps on the bosu - 60 seconds
3 sets:
Hamstring curls (16, 12, 10)
Lunges on the bosu - each foot on a different bosu (20 each leg) - When I had to switch legs I had to jump, switch legs mid-air, land on the bosu and hold my balance. This really wasn't easy. Apparently this old guy was watching me because when I was done he walked by and told Joe what a great job I did. As he was walking away, he turned to me, smiled a toothy grin and gave me a thumbs up. Nice. Now, where are those hot guys again...?
Toe taps on the bosu - 60 seconds
2 sets:
Pull-ups (20)
Dips (20)
Toe taps on the bosu/Mountain climbers on the bosu - 60 seconds
1 set:
Stairs (5)
Abs in the chair thing (12, 10, 8)
Not too exciting of a workout, but a good one nonetheless. I'm going to be ripped any day now! :)
Oh, and the Piston's won tonight! It was a close game, but none of our shots were falling. Seriously. Rip didn't score a field goal until the 4th quarter. But, we're 2-0 as we head to Cleveland.
Tonight's session with Joe was okay. We're going to work on me not feeling so intimidated in the weight room. It's not that I was the only female in the room or that I can't lift that much, but I just don't know how to use most of the equipment. Tonight's workout:
3 sets:
Squats with the bar - started with 25 lbs. weights on each side and then upped it to 35 lbs. (16, 12) I was suppose to do 3 sets, but only managed two. It wasn't the weight that was the problem, it was my form and getting comfortable with the move. I kept feeling like I was going to fall backwards. Joe was right behind me and kept assuring me I wouldn't, but all I could picture was me slowing falling backwards and landing on my back with my feet in the air. Like the little kid that has too much weight in his bookbag. Yea, that's what I was picturing. We really need to work on this.
Lunges - 25 lbs. weights in each hand (10 and 10 mini pumps)
Toe taps on the bosu - 60 seconds
3 sets:
Half squat machine (16, 12, 10)
Hop ups on the step (20)
Toe taps on the bosu - 60 seconds
3 sets:
Hamstring curls (16, 12, 10)
Lunges on the bosu - each foot on a different bosu (20 each leg) - When I had to switch legs I had to jump, switch legs mid-air, land on the bosu and hold my balance. This really wasn't easy. Apparently this old guy was watching me because when I was done he walked by and told Joe what a great job I did. As he was walking away, he turned to me, smiled a toothy grin and gave me a thumbs up. Nice. Now, where are those hot guys again...?
Toe taps on the bosu - 60 seconds
2 sets:
Pull-ups (20)
Dips (20)
Toe taps on the bosu/Mountain climbers on the bosu - 60 seconds
1 set:
Stairs (5)
Abs in the chair thing (12, 10, 8)
Not too exciting of a workout, but a good one nonetheless. I'm going to be ripped any day now! :)
Oh, and the Piston's won tonight! It was a close game, but none of our shots were falling. Seriously. Rip didn't score a field goal until the 4th quarter. But, we're 2-0 as we head to Cleveland.
Monday, May 08, 2006
Run the other way...
... if your physical therapist says, "we're gonna try something new today" and it has to do with electric stimulus "driving the medication into your body." As a PT, she can't perscribe medication or use it for anything, with the exception of this one torture device. It was one of the worst sub-one minutes ever experienced, and I have a long list of not so pleasant tests being done to me. This was a cross between something trying to burn through my abdomen and something trying to bite its way through my abdomen. (Pleasant visual, huh?) Really, if you ever are in this situation, I repeat - run the other way.
No actual running tonight. I got in about two minutes on the elipitical until I stopped due to pain. I think my therapist is trying to disable me. So, I went home and decided to drink instead. This is the first time I flat out opened a beer because my fucking abdomen hurt so much. There I said it and I don't care.
No actual running tonight. I got in about two minutes on the elipitical until I stopped due to pain. I think my therapist is trying to disable me. So, I went home and decided to drink instead. This is the first time I flat out opened a beer because my fucking abdomen hurt so much. There I said it and I don't care.
Saturday, May 06, 2006
In reponse to mplsuj:
1. I choose to think of my profession as "friend of the media." Besides, we all know that there really wouldn't be any news if it weren't for me! :)
A few weeks ago I met my friend J's new girlfriend, who is in journalism. She was going on and on about how easy of a job PR is and that it must be soooooo nice that we get into the office at 9 am, take an hour lunch, and leave at 5 pm while those poor journalists are crunching away at their computers around the clock. This was the first time I met the girl. THIS IS NOT A GOOD WAY TO WIN OVER YOUR BOYFRIEND'S FRIENDS.
However, being the savvy professional that I am, I smiled sweetly at her and responded with, "Journalists and PR professionals always think the other has it better. But, we really do need each other to do our jobs well." She didn't shut up. Meanwhile, an ex was sitting nearby and was laughing at my "typical PR answer" and commented that, "I was really good at my job." Note to everyone that thinks PR is a way to "spin" news so much that it distorts the truth: THIS IS NOT TRUE! Yes, I want my clients to get positive news coverage. However, my job is very strategic and, contrary to popular belief, not everyone can do it. Okay... I admit I get a bit annoyed when people who don't really understand my job pretend to.
2. Yeah, it gets a big confusing when I want to reference my roommate. Since I'm stealing all of her online friends, I can't refer to her as "theroommate" because then they would all think I'm talking about myself in the third person. Which, is just weird. Calling her mouse is strange because I never call her that. Hmmm... what about SSDP? No, I think her dad my flip out. Besides, I don't want everyone thinking I'm the boy. Guess I'll need to think of something.
1. I choose to think of my profession as "friend of the media." Besides, we all know that there really wouldn't be any news if it weren't for me! :)
A few weeks ago I met my friend J's new girlfriend, who is in journalism. She was going on and on about how easy of a job PR is and that it must be soooooo nice that we get into the office at 9 am, take an hour lunch, and leave at 5 pm while those poor journalists are crunching away at their computers around the clock. This was the first time I met the girl. THIS IS NOT A GOOD WAY TO WIN OVER YOUR BOYFRIEND'S FRIENDS.
However, being the savvy professional that I am, I smiled sweetly at her and responded with, "Journalists and PR professionals always think the other has it better. But, we really do need each other to do our jobs well." She didn't shut up. Meanwhile, an ex was sitting nearby and was laughing at my "typical PR answer" and commented that, "I was really good at my job." Note to everyone that thinks PR is a way to "spin" news so much that it distorts the truth: THIS IS NOT TRUE! Yes, I want my clients to get positive news coverage. However, my job is very strategic and, contrary to popular belief, not everyone can do it. Okay... I admit I get a bit annoyed when people who don't really understand my job pretend to.
2. Yeah, it gets a big confusing when I want to reference my roommate. Since I'm stealing all of her online friends, I can't refer to her as "theroommate" because then they would all think I'm talking about myself in the third person. Which, is just weird. Calling her mouse is strange because I never call her that. Hmmm... what about SSDP? No, I think her dad my flip out. Besides, I don't want everyone thinking I'm the boy. Guess I'll need to think of something.
Three minutes...
... yep, three mintues was the grand total of rest time during my workout session today. After a brief warm up we started with legs.
3 sets:
Leg extensions (20)
Squats on the bosu (20)
Toe taps on the bosu (60 seconds)
3 sets:
Hamstring curls (20)
Lunges with 24 lbs. dumbbells in each hand (20 each leg)
Side to side on the bosu (60 seconds)
2 sets:
Leg presses (20)
Then we went into the weight room to do arms which totally intimidated me. Joe kinda laughed at me but then realized I was completely serious. He's pretty patient and does a good job of showing me proper form and explaining what muscles that particular exercise will target. I felt much better. Weight rooms are very intimidating when you don't know how to (properly) use the equipment!
3 sets:
Bench press - 50 lbs. (20) -- I felt kinda silly since the bar itself is 45 lbs., but hey, I was doing it!
Dips (20)
3 sets:
Bicep curls - machine (20)
Tricep kickbacks - machine (20)
Bicep curls - 8 lbs. free weighs (20)
Then we went upstairs on the track to do some cardio. It was pretty tough for the end of the workout...
2 sets:
2 laps - 30 seconds/lap
High knees
Butt kicks
2 laps - 30 seconds/lap
2 sets:
Row machine - 2 minutes
2 laps - 40 seconds/lap
Last lap - all out sprint. I came in just under 30 seconds. It was a pretty tough workout, but a good one.
So, for those of you that read mouse's blog. No, I did not go out. I chose not to go out because I knew I needed to be fully rested for my workout. It would've been much more fun to go out with the supposed "hot" doctors than go to bed early, but I'm spending money on a personal trainer so I better make good use of it. Look at me, I'm so mature and responsible! :) But, don't worry. I did celebrate Cinco de Mayo with a few Corona's after work!
3 sets:
Leg extensions (20)
Squats on the bosu (20)
Toe taps on the bosu (60 seconds)
3 sets:
Hamstring curls (20)
Lunges with 24 lbs. dumbbells in each hand (20 each leg)
Side to side on the bosu (60 seconds)
2 sets:
Leg presses (20)
Then we went into the weight room to do arms which totally intimidated me. Joe kinda laughed at me but then realized I was completely serious. He's pretty patient and does a good job of showing me proper form and explaining what muscles that particular exercise will target. I felt much better. Weight rooms are very intimidating when you don't know how to (properly) use the equipment!
3 sets:
Bench press - 50 lbs. (20) -- I felt kinda silly since the bar itself is 45 lbs., but hey, I was doing it!
Dips (20)
3 sets:
Bicep curls - machine (20)
Tricep kickbacks - machine (20)
Bicep curls - 8 lbs. free weighs (20)
Then we went upstairs on the track to do some cardio. It was pretty tough for the end of the workout...
2 sets:
2 laps - 30 seconds/lap
High knees
Butt kicks
2 laps - 30 seconds/lap
2 sets:
Row machine - 2 minutes
2 laps - 40 seconds/lap
Last lap - all out sprint. I came in just under 30 seconds. It was a pretty tough workout, but a good one.
So, for those of you that read mouse's blog. No, I did not go out. I chose not to go out because I knew I needed to be fully rested for my workout. It would've been much more fun to go out with the supposed "hot" doctors than go to bed early, but I'm spending money on a personal trainer so I better make good use of it. Look at me, I'm so mature and responsible! :) But, don't worry. I did celebrate Cinco de Mayo with a few Corona's after work!
Thursday, May 04, 2006
No, I didn't get to meet Tony Snow...
Several months ago I signed up for the sessions I wanted to attend for a state conference in my profession. I immediately signed up for today's lunch session because a) free lunch - what' s not to like about that and b) Tony Snow was set to be the keynote speaker. Ironically, the session was titled something to the affect of, "Why the media and the President can't get along."
The morning it was announced he had accepted the job to be President Bush's new press secretary, two thoughts ran through my head. The first really excited me. Maybe I would have the opportunity to hear the press secretary speak (yep, it's confirmed. I am a big nerd.) The second, and more realistic, thought was that they weren't going to be able to book anyone good on such short notice. I was pleasantly surprised that they were able to get MSNBC's Norah O'Donnell.
She is very well spoken and has a very impressive resume - she's travelled to every continent except for Antartica with either Clinton, Bush or Rummy. She gave some good insight into the life of the Washington D.C. Press Corp, the upcoming elections (2006 and 2008) and how important they are and what possible changes could result from it, and her thoughts on how key Washington communicators impact politics (Bush/Kerry campaign, Senator Clinton's run for re-election and possible run for President, Bush's approval rating and the overall approval rating of the Republican party). All in all, it was a very fascinating session!
Now for my running... Yesterday I went on a trail run with mouse and I really enjoyed it. While I almost biffed a few times, I'm happy to report I didn't end up eating dirt. The trails had lots of bikers, but it wasn't too bad (except for the man on the cell phone). I did find out why people run with cameras though. We were tromping down a path when we saw a bike standing unattended. Then a man came through the brush, and he didn't really fit the typical "cyclist" image, with a 40 oz can of Bud Light in hand. Classic.
Today I was still hurting from yesterday's PT session. I didn't sleep well last night either because the pain kept waking me up. (Scale 1-10: 7 sharp pains on the left and on my left leg. Anyway, I did a slow 4 miles with my (cute, little) iPod. Noticed my abs were a little sore - must be because they were working overtime so I didn't fall on my face out on the trails. I can't say the run itself was super enjoyable, but the warm and sunny weather was nice!
And, of course the Piston's. We kicked ass yesterday and ended the Buck's season. We'll possibly know tomorrow who will be the next round - Cleveland or Washington. After much emailing back and forth (I simply cannot allow my self to start IMing), mouse and I decided to forgo the opportunity to get tickets for Round 2, Game 1. We both thought we'd rather get tickets for Game 4 or 5 (if necessary) or miss Round 2 completely and spend a little more for Round 3 or THE FINALS!!!!! All together, "Deeeetroooit Baaaasketbaaaaal!"
The morning it was announced he had accepted the job to be President Bush's new press secretary, two thoughts ran through my head. The first really excited me. Maybe I would have the opportunity to hear the press secretary speak (yep, it's confirmed. I am a big nerd.) The second, and more realistic, thought was that they weren't going to be able to book anyone good on such short notice. I was pleasantly surprised that they were able to get MSNBC's Norah O'Donnell.
She is very well spoken and has a very impressive resume - she's travelled to every continent except for Antartica with either Clinton, Bush or Rummy. She gave some good insight into the life of the Washington D.C. Press Corp, the upcoming elections (2006 and 2008) and how important they are and what possible changes could result from it, and her thoughts on how key Washington communicators impact politics (Bush/Kerry campaign, Senator Clinton's run for re-election and possible run for President, Bush's approval rating and the overall approval rating of the Republican party). All in all, it was a very fascinating session!
Now for my running... Yesterday I went on a trail run with mouse and I really enjoyed it. While I almost biffed a few times, I'm happy to report I didn't end up eating dirt. The trails had lots of bikers, but it wasn't too bad (except for the man on the cell phone). I did find out why people run with cameras though. We were tromping down a path when we saw a bike standing unattended. Then a man came through the brush, and he didn't really fit the typical "cyclist" image, with a 40 oz can of Bud Light in hand. Classic.
Today I was still hurting from yesterday's PT session. I didn't sleep well last night either because the pain kept waking me up. (Scale 1-10: 7 sharp pains on the left and on my left leg. Anyway, I did a slow 4 miles with my (cute, little) iPod. Noticed my abs were a little sore - must be because they were working overtime so I didn't fall on my face out on the trails. I can't say the run itself was super enjoyable, but the warm and sunny weather was nice!
And, of course the Piston's. We kicked ass yesterday and ended the Buck's season. We'll possibly know tomorrow who will be the next round - Cleveland or Washington. After much emailing back and forth (I simply cannot allow my self to start IMing), mouse and I decided to forgo the opportunity to get tickets for Round 2, Game 1. We both thought we'd rather get tickets for Game 4 or 5 (if necessary) or miss Round 2 completely and spend a little more for Round 3 or THE FINALS!!!!! All together, "Deeeetroooit Baaaasketbaaaaal!"
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
"A lot of cardio"
Today's session was a really good workout. So good, the other trainers were making fun of me for my sweaty shirt. Seriously, I could literally wring it out when we were done.
Started with a warm up on the track. He told me we were going to do, "a lot of cardio." He wasn't kidding!
We did about 2 miles doing a series of things. We did three sets of the following (and each lap below was followed by a timed sprint):
- walking lunges with a 10 lbs. medicine ball
- squats on the wall with the stability ball
- high knees
- butt kicks
- skipping
After that, we went downstairs and did three sets (one right into the other)
- pull ups (12, 10, 8)
- dips (12, 10, 8)
- push ups (12, 10, 8)
- 60 seconds toe taps on the bosu (basically high knees)
Right into three sets of:
- ab work on the bosu with a 5 lbs. medicine ball (20 side-to-side)
- leg lift on the chair (12, 10, 8)
- 60 seconds high knees on the trampoline
- 60 seconds toe taps on the bosu
It was a really good workout. And, I met a trainer that was a former running coach at U of M. When I first signed up with Joe and I told him I was a runner, he told me he would have this trainer sit in on a few sessions with us to help me get back into it. He seemed like a great guy and hopefully he'll be able to give me some good advice.
It's so odd. My workouts have been getting better, but my physical therapy has been getting worse. My pain level has really risen and in new areas. (Scale 1-10: ranged from 6-8, shooting pain on both sides, pain down my left leg) but I seem to be okay while working out. Today, I was having his AWFUL shooting pain down my leg. It did trigger a memory though. Shortly after my surgery, I had the same shooting pain down my leg. I remember being terrified it was a blood clot or something (I don't know if you can actually feel blood clots, but this is what I was afraid of). I don't think I ever remembered to tell my doctor about it at the time. Weird how it came back to me today...
Started with a warm up on the track. He told me we were going to do, "a lot of cardio." He wasn't kidding!
We did about 2 miles doing a series of things. We did three sets of the following (and each lap below was followed by a timed sprint):
- walking lunges with a 10 lbs. medicine ball
- squats on the wall with the stability ball
- high knees
- butt kicks
- skipping
After that, we went downstairs and did three sets (one right into the other)
- pull ups (12, 10, 8)
- dips (12, 10, 8)
- push ups (12, 10, 8)
- 60 seconds toe taps on the bosu (basically high knees)
Right into three sets of:
- ab work on the bosu with a 5 lbs. medicine ball (20 side-to-side)
- leg lift on the chair (12, 10, 8)
- 60 seconds high knees on the trampoline
- 60 seconds toe taps on the bosu
It was a really good workout. And, I met a trainer that was a former running coach at U of M. When I first signed up with Joe and I told him I was a runner, he told me he would have this trainer sit in on a few sessions with us to help me get back into it. He seemed like a great guy and hopefully he'll be able to give me some good advice.
It's so odd. My workouts have been getting better, but my physical therapy has been getting worse. My pain level has really risen and in new areas. (Scale 1-10: ranged from 6-8, shooting pain on both sides, pain down my left leg) but I seem to be okay while working out. Today, I was having his AWFUL shooting pain down my leg. It did trigger a memory though. Shortly after my surgery, I had the same shooting pain down my leg. I remember being terrified it was a blood clot or something (I don't know if you can actually feel blood clots, but this is what I was afraid of). I don't think I ever remembered to tell my doctor about it at the time. Weird how it came back to me today...
Monday, May 01, 2006
You learn something new everyday
Today's PT session was interesting. Found yet another thing wrong... Anyway, sometimes she uses interferential therapy (electric stimulus) in case it is nerve damage. In the past, she's basically divided my abdomen into four quadrants and put the four sticky tabs on accordingly. Since the damage is more extensive than originally realized, today she put two tabs near the incision and two tabs... on my ass. After she put one on each cheek, I kinda laughed and asked why she was putting them there. Aparently, there is a major nerve that begins near your butt and, if this is the root of the problem, she wants to see how the nerve reacts to the stimulus. Yep, so today I had electric shocks going through my ass. No one can say I didn't do everything possible to get better! :)
The rest of the day was painful (Scale 1-10: 6 constant pain, 7 stabbing pains on both sides) so my workout tonight was pretty light. I did 45 minutes on the elipitical, lots of push ups on the bosu and some ab work with the stability ball.
Watching Game 4 and the Piston's aren't playing very well. After Saturday's embarassing loss (not because we lost, but because of how much we lost by) I was certain we were going to easily take this one. Gotta love the Playoffs.
The rest of the day was painful (Scale 1-10: 6 constant pain, 7 stabbing pains on both sides) so my workout tonight was pretty light. I did 45 minutes on the elipitical, lots of push ups on the bosu and some ab work with the stability ball.
Watching Game 4 and the Piston's aren't playing very well. After Saturday's embarassing loss (not because we lost, but because of how much we lost by) I was certain we were going to easily take this one. Gotta love the Playoffs.
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