Monday, December 29, 2008
Anyway, Saturday I busted out the Women's Health 10 minute DVD and did all 5 workouts -- cardio, upper body, lower body, core, stretching. Yikes! My body is still sore!
Yesterday, I went to the gym and tried out my new Nike iPod earphones. LOVE THEM! Anyway... I ran about 1 1/2 miles, but my body just wasn't in synch. So I stopped the torture and jumped on the ellipitcal for an hour. Running wasn't on the agenda for my body, but working out in general was right at the top of the list. I worked up quite a sweat during that hour! :)
My reward afterwards was some popcorn at the theater. :) JP took me to see Marley & Me. So cute, but made me a little thankful I didn't get that puppy I wanted for Christmas. :)
Back in the grind today, but not feeling the motivation at all. Think I'll head out in a bit -- it's pretty quiet in the office. Plus, my parents and brother are coming up for dinner tonight. I planned ahead though and made it last night. Now, all I have to do is heat it up. I made seafood gumbo, so the flavors should be quite nice tonight after setting all night. Now all I have to do tonight is make the side dish. Plantains. YUM!!!
Hope everyone is having a happy Monday.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Merry Christmas
It was a wonderful holiday. Busy, but wonderful.
Christmas Eve, JP and I headed down to be with my family. Our tradition is everyone goes to church together and everyone has Christmas Eve with grandma. This year she had 7 of her 11 grandkids there, plus a new wife and a boyfriend (which she said counts as family!). It was a housefull, but it's one tradition that I love. We aren't always together throughout the year, but everyone knows they better be with grandma on Christmas Eve.
After gifts there, we drove up (about an hour) to be with JP's sisters. Their tradition is to open gifts at midnight. There was a little miscommunication, so we ended up just going home and spending the rest of Christmas Eve together. It was a little weird not to be with his brother's. They opted to stay in Chicago this year because of the crazy weather. But, it was kinda nice just being together to exchange our gifts.
Christmas morning we headed back down to my parent's house for gifts and dinner. It was nice to spend the day with my parents, aunts/uncles and my brother was in town from Dallas. I haven't seen him since May, so it was great to see him. After a quick nap, we hit the roads again and did gifts and dinner with his family.
Today, I spent the day recovering from all of the festivities. Well... recovering my staying in my PJs and rocking out with a little gift Santa left me and JP -- Guitar Hero for the Wii. :)
Hope everyone enjoyed their holiday and had a safe and merry Christmas!!!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Keepin' the faith
Lately, I haven't been running because I've needed the time to look for jobs. I really only get 2-3 hours a night, which isn't that much time. Looking for a job really is a full time job. Found a few things I'm interested in, so keep your fingers crossed.
Last night, I was feeling yucky from not working out in forever. My gym bag was in the car, so I made myself stop and go in for a workout. Apparently I had lots of pent up energy because I ran 8:03 minute miles (3 miles). The first 1 1/2 miles I felt like I was in a complete fog, but after that it was like an old shell broke away and this runner came out. :) I knew I was in there somewhere!
I did some serious stretching - my body is just so stressed and tense, I really needed it. I opted not to take the time to lift. I know I should, but it was getting late and I was getting hungry.
Feeling better this morning and ready to take on the world. Although, I'm sure I'll feel the weight of the world on my shoulders by noon. :) Just gotta pray and keep the faith that there is something better out there for me.
Monday, December 08, 2008
Highlights and lowlights
Highlight: Thanksgiving Dinner
What's not to love. Food, wine, family and friends!
Higlight: New running buddy
On Thanksgiving, JP's 11-year-old nephew asked me if I would run with him the next day - totally on his own and out of the blue. He wanted to get in better shape for soccer and figured I was his best bet to run outside in the cold. So, the morning after Thanksgiving I picked him up and we went to a nearby park. He did great and we got in about 2 miles. I was a little nervous because we had never spent time alone, just the two of us. It went fine and we chatted away during the entire run. Looking forward to the next run!
Highlight: Running/Working out
I've been doing fairly well with my running. I even got out the morning of Thanksgiving! I'm up to about 3.5 miles and starting to get consistent with weight training.
Lowlight: Running
Yesterday, during my run, my foot started to become sore. Yikes! Fearing I was doing too much on my ex-stress fractured foot, I finished up the mile and jumped on a spinning bike. Not taking any chances.
Highlight: Grandma K's 85th birthday
We celebrated my grandma's 85th birthday Friday night. Her memory isn't that great, but she's still got spunk!
Lowlight: It's winter. Brrr....
It's winter. In Michigan. Read: lots of snow and COLD temps. This weekend ended up in single digits, with windchill. I was all set to run outside Saturday morning, but after opening the door and getting one foot out, I quickly decided perhaps the gym was a better option.
Highlight: Christmas Parties
Our first Christmas party was Saturday night. GREAT food, lots of laughs, little bit of wine (well... maybe a bit more than a little), and you're never too old for gift exchanges.
Lowlight: Auto industry and state of the economy
Combine these two and there are a lot of people anxiously awaiting what the future will bring. Mine became a reality on Friday. My on-site contract with GM ends Jan. 15. My PR agency is trying to find accounts for me to work on, back at our agency office. IF that doesn't work out (our bread and butter has long been GM. We're not getting as much work, which means less revenue coming in, which means tough business decisions need to be made... You know the cycle.) my last day will be Jan. 16. It wasn't a surprise, but hearing it out loud makes it real and just kinda blows. The agency and my clients are doing all they can to help me, which is encouraging and makes me very grateful. No one wishes this upon anyone, it's just how things are right now. I know I have a lot to offer and if it is going to happen, while I'm young, single and mobile, it may as well happen now. This is just God's way of telling me He has other things in store for me. I know there is a great future out ahead of me. It will be tough, but I have to be open for the ride and know that I'll end up in a great place.
Highlight: Haircut!
I'm getting a much needed haircut tonight. Whoo Hooo! It really is the small things... :)
Monday, November 24, 2008
Wedding #7 ... check
Saturday morning, I got out of bed, had a small breakfast and headed to the gym. I didn't have a lot of time because wedding #7 was at 1 pm and it was about an hour away. I did 2.5 miles on the track (can I say again how much I LOVE my lap counter) in approx. 9:10 pace. The first 2 miles were awesome, the last half... not so much. It was tough, but I kept pushing myself to just finish it. Building the foundation back is never easy. I didn't have time for extra cardio or lifting, but I figured getting in my run could count as a success.
Wedding #7 was beautiful. The reception looked like a Winter Wonderland and was complete with a martini bar, ice cream station, soft pretzels for the late night snack, and photo booth. The photo booth was the most fun! It took a series of four pictures and you got to keep one and the other copy went into a scrapbook for the new couple. As the night progressed, I'm sure the photos become more and more, eh, creative. The bride and groom also surprised us all with a very fun first dance. They started with the traditional love song, which quickly broke into a choreographed old-school montage. It was a fun night and JP is happy that we don't have anymore weddings to go to this year.
Sunday was cold (about 30-degrees), but sunny. So, I made the most of it and headed outside for a "long run" of 3 miles. It felt great to be outside, my legs were responding well and my foot was able to take the mileage. I opted to go without my iPod (I desperately need to upload some new songs), and it was really nice to just think and enjoy the scenery.
The gym bag is in the car and I'm ready for another great workout tonight!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Shoeless Joe (or Joanne)...
She's a middle-aged woman, that seems to work out all the time. She always wears baggy sweats and a zip up sweatshirt, with the sleeves pushed up over her elbows (that alone drives me crazy for some reason). Since she's in baggy workout gear, I can't really see her body but she doesn't seem to have the killer body you would expect from someone that works out all the time. She's thin, but that's about it. Okay, so why do I notice her? Because she always wears these black socks, that are so worn thin on the bottom they have huge holes in them. How do I know that? BECAUSE SHE DOESN'T WEAR SHOES WHILE WORKING OUT!
Go ahead and call me a gym snob, but it drives me insane and I have to let it out. The folks that wear the canvas shoes to work out in bug me, but this pushes me over the edge. She does classes, with her shoes neatly lined up next to her mat. She rides the bike, WITH NO SHOES ON. She runs (well, shuffles really) WITH NO SHOES ON. I've never seen her lift weights, but I'm guessing she'd do that with no shoes on either. I don't know why none of the trainers have said anything to her. I mean, it really isn't that safe to be working out without proper shoes on.
Admitedly, I've gone running without shoes... When I've done workouts on the beach or sprint drills on the football field. You know, in safe environmenets where the workout is geared to help you improve. Grrrr.... It probably bothers me way more than it should, but what can I say? It apparently is a hot button with me.
Okay, I feel better.... :)
Thursday, November 20, 2008
The tough choices in life... gym or bar?
Getting back into shape is at the top of my priority list. I love the feeling of being not only in shape, but being in kick-butt, what's a 15-mile run, I look freaking awesome shape. I feel like I haven't been in that condition since right before my unexpected surgery a few years ago. Looking back at pics during my marathon a few weeks before "the incident", I have to admit I looked great. Plus, I just felt so great being in the best shape of my life. So, dedication I must have.
But... being a CMU alum, the big MAC game between Central and Ball State was last night. One of my friends called to say a bunch of folks were meeting up at the bar to watch the game. Hmmm... what to do.
I'm proud to say I was dedicated and did my workout at the gym, with the thought that I could possibly catch the second half of the game afterwards.
So, I got my 2 miles in (approx. 9 minute miles - felt much better than Monday's run) and then jumped on the elipitcal for another 45 minutes. I just felt like I needed to get some more cardio in, but didn't want to risk putting too much stress on my foot. Then, I hit the weights and got a good lower body workout in. My quads were SCREAMING on the leg extension bench, but I just took that energy in and turned it into more determination to get back those killer legs. :)
Afterwards, I quickly ran home for a shower and made it over to the bar. My former trainer would be proud - I only had ONE beer. Didn't want to totally undo what I had just worked on for nearly 2 hours. It felt good to be out and among friends, kicking back with a cold one. (Life has been more stressful than I could ever imagine right now. I'm directly tied to the auto industry. There's a long, insightful post coming in the near future, I'm sure...). I got to bed much later than I would have liked, but it was totally worth it.
Looking forward to another great workout tonight. Ab/core work tonight... wish me luck!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Lots of Laps

Monday, November 17, 2008
St. Louis

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
more hot tea, OJ and vitamins in my future...
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
1.5 miles down...
Monday, I was very ambitous and happy to be in the land of the running. I gathered the girls with I was walking with during the summer and we put on our running shoes and had a great power walk during lunch. Note: I am not one of those unstylish gals walking around in a skirt, tights, bright white socks and tennis shoes. :) We walked for about 45 minutes and I felt so great. I was never big into walking, but I have to tell you I could tell a HUGE difference this summer. I just felt better and I was more productive in the afternoon. It was nice to be at it again, plus the catching up with friends that I'd been missing out on.
After work, it was way too nice to go to the gym. It's going to be cold and snowy soon enough, so I took advantage of the unseasonably warm weather to do my 1.5 miles outside. It felt great!
Afterwards, while dinner was cooking on the stove, I decided to do the yoga session I had snoozed through earlier that morning. (Always sounds like a great plan the night before, but when taht alarm goes off I'm wondering what posessed me to set my alark any earlier than absolutley necessary!). My flexibility has sadly reduced, but a little bit at a time and soon enough I'll be crushing those downward facing dogs!
Yep, it was a lot to do in one day and yep, my foot was a little sore that night. Good news is that I was great the next morning so I can continue to build my mileage. The doctor said as long as it was okay the next day, I was free to continue going (cautiously).
Yesterday, I got up at 5:30 a.m. and rushed to get ready so I could be at the polls early. I was in line by 6:20 a.m., had my registration checked by 6:35 a.m. and ready to rock and roll promptly at 7 a.m. I was #34 in line to vote and the process was so smooth. Props to the volunteers in my area! I was out by 7:35 a.m. and waiting for my mom to come over. I had the day off, so we decided to stimulate the economy by doing our annual mother/daughter shopping trip. Had a fabulous time and the weather was PERFECT!!!! Lots of walking, so I consider that my exercise for the day.
Looking forward to a good run outside again today before it snows this weekend! Yikes! :)
Monday, November 03, 2008
1 mile down...
It felt so great to be out there! It was only a mile, but I was given strict instructions that the first run was to be 1 mile, the second run 1.5, etc. Sadly, I was a little sore the next day, but still smiling for being out there.
Didn't get my 1.5 in yesterday, but my gym bag is packed and waiting for me in the car. No excuses -- I am going to the gym tonight!
Hello, body... I'm back! :)
Friday, October 31, 2008
Quick Trips: Austin and San Antonio... y'all!
Austin boasts the mothership of Whole Foods. I was super excited and was told it was several stories high, had resturants inside, a clothing area, etc. This is not your typical Whole Foods. Thankfully my co-worker are cool and went along with my craziness.

Isn't it awesome! I opted to do the "salad bar" style lunch, that way I could try lots of different thing. I don't get this type of food often, so I was going to take full advantage!
This is my delish lunch! Complete with the 100% recycleable box I put all the organic food into. I'm such a nerd, but at least a healthy one!

That's about all I got to see of Austin, but it seemed like a nice place.
From Austin, our crew drove to San Antonio for the next stop. Again, didn't get to see too much of the city, but my great co-workers offered to take me to the Riverwalk for lunch. I've only seen it on TV (Pistons v. San Antonio Spurs), and was super excited to see the sights. We had an authentic Mexican feast!

I've been MIA since last week... just a tough week. Thankfully, I've been home, but been working too much and have had something going on every night. More on that later...
Hope everyone has a happy halloween!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Here comes the bride...
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Weather Report: Sunny, but a bit chilly

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Dear, Aquarius
Your boat is likely to be rocked today, dear Aquarius, to the point where you and all of your belongings could go overboard. Be prepared to swim for shore. Grounding and stability are

I don't believe in horoscopes, and mostly just look at them when I'm having a bad day and need a little entertainment. But, geez. They sure seem to be right-on at times. Of course, they're always written in such a way that it could seem to be written just for you, for a variety of reasons.
I've been way emotional today, totally in my head and it's just been an all around bad day. And, I'm anticipating a "dramatic" conversation tonight at home... Ironic, huh?
Maybe tomorrow my horoscope will tell me fame, fortune and stunning good looks are around the corner -- oh wait, I already have all of that. :)
Monday, October 13, 2008
Reasons Why I Run:

Friday, October 10, 2008
I feel like shopping
The runway showcased Macy's finest and the only problem is now I feel like shopping. Anyway, back in the hotel catching up on email and getting ready for another program tomorrow. I must say, though, Phoenix is a really nice place. I was immediately greeted by the warm weather. The landscape was gorgeous with the mountains in the backdrop, and my hotel room overlooks the entire city.
Okay, so it's like 1:30 a.m. back home and I'm tired. Better wrap up and get a good night's sleep.
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Home Sweet Home
Saturday was a FABULOUS time out celebrating with my college roommate! Last big night out as a single gal! We partied in our hotel, downtown Grand Rapids, had a delish dinner at a great tapas place and then danced until 3 a.m. (Yes, my foot was killing me by the end of the night. And, I wore flats!). Still not a fan of the other two bridesmaids, but after the wedding I'll hopefully not have to interact with them again. It makes me so livid that they can't get past themselves to remember that this is all about our friend. Grrr.... Oh well, we didn't let them ruin our good time! :)
Sunday I packed up and headed to hot and humid Houston for work. Not the best biz trip ever... it's sad when the highlight of the trip was a first-time experience at a Waffle House. Hahahahaha -- I do have to admit the hashbrowns were good (unless I was just starving and they tasted good!). JP and I literally passed in the air today -- I was heading home when he was heading to Houston. Too bad we couldn't coordinate better and try to have lunch or something in Texas. :)
Plus, his brother was on the way down to visit their father. Today was a very busy travel day. Thanks to everyone for the well-wishes. JP's dad is home recovering now and in great spirits. Please keep the healing thoughts coming -- I appreciate it more than you know!
Friday, October 03, 2008
Drama, drama, drama
Life is a tad stressful right now... Let me start by saying that I love my family and friends dearly. I'm glad they feel comfortable with me to share their feelings and come to me if they need an ear and shoulder for support. But... all this has happened in the last few days...
- The ongoing stress of JP's dad's health (getting stronger everyday - thanks for all your "get well" thoughts!)
- A girlfriend that lives too far away is going through a tough time. Dumb boys. :)
- Some dear friends are going through a rocky phase (?) in their marriage
- Stupid bridesmaids. No bridezilla here, it's her dumb other bridesmaids. (I am by far the best maid of honor EVER!) :)
My "to-do" list is getting out of control and I'm trying not to get overwhelmed.
Saturday is the bachlorette party -- SUPER EXCITED! I fly out for Houston on Sunday night. I return Tuesday and fly out to Phoenix on Thursday. Return on Saturday morning. So lots to get ready!!!!
On a good news note, the doctor said I'm doing great and I can start walking more and ease into running. She stressed it was running 1 mile one day, 1.5 miles the next day if I'm okay, 2 miles the next day... no jumping into an "easy" 5-miler. I'm really pleased with this and ready to start getting out there again. You know, after all the craziness dies down a bit.
Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Back from Vaca!
Vacation was wonderful and we had a fabulous time exploring the Upper Penisula of Michigan! Lots of hiking, biking (yup, biking) and just enjoying a slower pace. Plus, no cell coverage so there was no interruptions.
Since we enjoyed biking Mackinac Island so much, when we came home we went out and bought mountain bikes. Keep in mind, I haven't had a bike since my pink Huffy, so this was a major step up for me. Hand brakes, what? ;)
While we had a great time, our vacation was cut a bit short. It was discovered that JP's dad had a tumor on his colon and needed surgery right away. We couldn't be with him, but being home made us feel a little more secure. He had surgery last night and, unfortuntely, the tumor was cancerous. We don't have a lot of details yet, but we're hoping for the best. I'll probably be MIA for a bit longer, but I promise to post our kick-ass photos from our trip. And, of my new Giant Yukon bike (still really doesn't mean much to me, but maybe some of your cyclists will know...)!
Please keep us in your thoughts...
Friday, September 19, 2008
Happy Belated, GM
I'm pretty exhausted (wait, did I say that already?) and cannot wait to head out of town tomorrow for a week-long vaca! We're heading up to the U.P. where we'll do lots of hiking, biking, and "up north" things. Wish us luck that both of our ankles/foot hold up. We're quite the injured pair -- he needs ankle surgery for a soccer injury and my stress fracture is on the mend.
It should be beautiful this time of year, since the leaves change color up there about two weeks before they do in the lower part of the state. JP's never been up there, so I'm super excited for him to see everything. Lots of waterfalls, cool rock formations, lake-front activities (although it's gonna be cold...) and just relaxing!!!!!!!! (Plus, it'll help me not remember that my marathon should be this weekend...).
So, I'll be MIA for another week. But this time, for a much better reason!
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Crisp, Fall Day
Anywho... spent most of the weekend back on the crutches just to be safe. My foot was hurting and I really don't want to start back at square one. It ended up being a smart move and I'm pretty much back to the final phases of recovery. Been sporting the running shoes to the office this week, but other than that no complaints. I'm taking a few more days to just make sure it's okay before I head back to the gym. Getting a little taste of it again and then stopping has been brutle. I just wanna get into it again.
Plus, I realized over the weekend that my marathon would have been next weekend. I should be in marathon-ready shape and I'm no where near it.
On the bright side, the weekend was filled with dinners out with friends (and some great beers from around the world), time with family, a wedding shower (of course) and a whole lot of Mario Kart Wii -- I'm totally addicted!
Work is busy this week and so I should be getting back. Happy Tuesday everyone!
Friday, September 05, 2008
Two steps forward, two steps ... down

Two steps forward:
Last night I rocked the gym! I did 30 minutes on the ellipitcal and was dying about 5 minutes into it. After getting the rust out, I really enjoyed being active again. Afraid of waking up to super sore muscles, I only went 30 minutes instead of the typical 60 minutes. After all, I should be easing into it.
After a good cardio workout, I did about 45 minutes of upper body strength training. Perhaps a bit ambitious, but it just felt so great doing it, I couldn't help myself. A tad sore this morning, so I'm sure I won't be able to hold a glass of water tomorrow!
Two steps... down?
After a successful entry back into the workout world, what do I do this morning? Fall. Yep, I fell on my foot... the injured one. It's actually quite funny, and only I would do something like this. I set my alarm clock across the room so I have to physcially get up to turn it off. Otherwise, I would just lean over, turn it off and never get to work. I got up, swung my leg out, put my toes down on the ground and... fell. I'm not sure if my toes couldn't hold the weight until my heel hit the ground, or if I feel back asleep before my entire foot hit the ground. Either way, I went down with toes bended. This is especially bad because I've been spending the last 2 1/2 months focusing on NOT bending my toes so it could heal. It really hurt at the time and now my foot is still a tad sore. Taking complete precaution, I opted for running shoes to the office today. Not the most professional look, but I'm not taking any chances of starting back to square one!
Anyway... looking forward to a packed weekend. A few dinner and drinks with friends, yet another wedding shower, and time with the fam. Hope everyone has a fab weekend!
Thursday, September 04, 2008
whooo hoooo!!!!
I can start working out again!
No running, just low-impact stuff -- bike, elliptical, strength training. No yoga either, but I'm good with the stuff she said okay to! Gym bag is packed and in the car, just screaming to be used immediately after work. I cannot wait to get back into it!!!!
Go back in October for another check up. I'm in a wedding mid-October, so my goal is to be able to wear heels for it. Not super confident that will happen, but a girl's gotta have some goals. :)
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Lesson in chocolate
I picked up a box of Godiva chocolate covered cashews for JP and a bar of Godvia dark chocolate for me. I'm not a dark choclate kinda gal, but decided that since it's good for me, that's what I

Last night, I finally broke into it... and had a HUGE surprise. See... I didn't know the difference between dark chocolates. I picked up the 85% cacao straight from the Caribbean... I figured the higher the number, the better it would be. Make that the more BITTER it will be. I had to choke down one tiny square.
JP told me that's real chocoate... not the sugary milk chocolates we've become used to here in the US. :) This will be the longest any chocolate will last in my house, that's for sure!!!!
Anyway, heading to the doctor in a bit for what will hopefully be the last round of x-rays. Keep your fingers crossed she'll let me start working out again and maybe even start running again!!!!
Monday, September 01, 2008
Fun-filled weekend!!!
Friday, JP and I had a date night. A simple dinner and movie night. Holy Cow! It must have been awhile since we did dinner and a movie because we experienced som sticker shock! Dinner was at our favorite sushi place -- nothing fancy, just a little, non-descript place. Approximately $35. Two movie tickets (Traitor -- great movie), $20. Medium drink and popcorn (dinner was great, but we couldn't resist the WONDERFUL smell of movie theater popcorn!), $20. Holy Crap -- that's about $75 for one, simple night out. I told JP that I'm glad I'm not a dude, dating someone new. That's expensive! He rolled his eyes and told me dating isn't all it's cracked up to be sometimes... guys go broke! :)
Saturday, we played host to some friends for the U of M football game. I LOVE hosting (my parents always played the part, and I grew up dreaming of having my own get togethers) and laid a pretty good spread, if I do say so myself. BBQ chicken sandwiches (veggie burger for me), whole wheat pasta salad, veggies/dip, pita bread/spinich dip, and few other muchies. The Wolverines couldn't pull it out, but we enjoyed lunch and the AMAZING chocolate cake our friends brought. Think Ho Ho, but about a trillion times better.
After the game, we went downtown and meet up with some other friends for the International Jazz Festival. Its a great event downtown Detroit, and there's about 5 or 6 different stages. We attended the Latin Jazz councert and enjoyed a beautiful night out wiht friends. The highlight of the day -- the friends we met up with found Mario Kart for us!!! It's super fun and I think we stayed up until 3 a.m. playing. :) I'm not a big video game player, but I LOVE the Wii!!!
Yesterday, we spent some time at my parents and then some time with JP's sister. Nothing like lots of food and drinks to pass through the day.
Today was filled with errands and I've figured out why I'm broke. All of these wedding related gifts are adding up! I hit up Macy's and Bed, Bath and Beyond for another wedding shower gift and a wedding gift. Can't wait until it's my turn... I better get some amazing ROI on all of these presents I've been buying! :)
SO don't want to go to work tomorrow, but I guess it's time to get in the swing of things.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Rooftop parties, fashion and beautiful people...
My client is one of the sponsors to Project Runway, and this week's show featured them. The challenge was to design an outfit using all the things that are used in producing a vehicle -- everything from seat belts, to leather from the seats, to air filters. One of our designers was on the show and actually introduced the challenge to the contestants. So what do you do when something cool like this happens? You throw a party! We had a nice rooftop viewing party, overlooking the skyline of Detroit. It was a fun mix of media (my job), fashion design students (Detroit has some great programs in the area), and generally the beautiful people.
Side Note: I always get so intimidated by "the beautiful people club" and it always makes me feel that much shorter, dumpier and unattractive. I know I should be more confident, but it always makes me feel like I'm in the wrong place. The funny thing is, a lot of my friends are in "the club" so does that make me a beautiful person, too, or just the token ugly friend of the group??? Hmmmm..... :) :) :)
I've only seen an episode or two, but it was cool to watch the show with the guy introducing the challenge on TV. :)
Even though my job is super cool :)... so freaking glad it's Friday. And Friday of a long weekend! No big plans, but the week has been filled with some long hours, so I'm ready to enjoy the last bit of official summer. Everyone have a fun-filled and safe holiday weekend!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Matching Shoes!
And, I tell ya, the timing worked out beautifully. We had a wedding to go to on Friday night and I was happy to not draw too much attention to myself. The downside: I had a sweet dress all picked out, but it would only do it justice if I wore my typical 3-inch heels. Opted for a dressy pair of pants instead. The wedding was beautiful and we had a nice time.
Saturday, I was up early to head to a bridal shower for my college roommate. Since I was helping co-host, I couldn't make it to my cousin's shower that was scheduled for the same day. There is something seriously wrong when you're double booked on a Saturday for bridal showers! Nonetheless, it was a nice afternoon filled with blenders, towels and muffin tins. :)
Sunday, both JP and I crashed and didn't move off the couch for most of the day. It was beautiful outside, but there was really no way we were going to exert anymore energy.
So far, it's been a long week already and it's only Wednesday. Going to a posh viewing party tonight (working though), so we'll see how that goes. Right now, I'd much rather go home and veg for the night but I'm sure once I get there it'll be okay. More on that later... :)
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Why some people shouldn't be parents
Disclaimer: I'm not a parent. I understand sometime kids will be kids and no matter how much of a super mom or dad you are, you won't be able to control a sudden outburst. I understand sometimes parents just have bad days and are just plain tired.
BUT... I also firmly believe some people should not be allowed to have children. Like the fine example I encountered tonight while grocery shopping.
This young girl (about 18-20 years old) was with her mother and small son (about 4 or 5 years old). I first noticed them not because of the little boy yelling, but of his mother. Yes, she was yelling throughout the store, trying to teach her son how to say, "give ya a doll'a if you holl'a". Not that he would understand what it means, but still not appropriate to teach a small child. She then went on to yell and berate her mother for not remembering to put something on her list. Something to the effect of, "You idiot! How could you forget to write it down!" In my world, I would never even dream of saying that to my mother because I would have been promptly slapped for disrespecting her. (I don't know that I'll spank my children - we'll cross that bridge when we get there, - but my brother and I both were and grew up to be fine, respectful adults.)
Later, I crossed paths with them again and the little boy was screaming bloody murder because he didn't get something he wanted. That lasted for the rest of the time I was in the store. I saw/heard them leave and the store all breathed a sigh of relief.
Oh no, it doesn't end there. As I'm walking out, he had just finished one of those little rides and wanted to go again. His mom was yelling at him saying, "I ain't got no more money" over and over again. He answered by another round of screaming bloody murder.
Poor kid. I'm sure he was never taught proper manners, and probably never will be. Some people just shouldn't be allowed to be allowed to be responsible for another person's life! Okay... rant over. I'm really not a bitch, I promise I'm nice. :)
Good news... my foot is healing very well. The pain is almost completely gone and my doctor said I should go another day or two with the funny shoe, and then I can start wearing my own (matching) shoes again. No heels, but I'll take it! Super pumped and need to go back in two weeks for another x-ray. I'll bring up the "so... what kind of workouts can I do now?" conversation then. Yay for matching shoes!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Why kids are fat, deaf and annoying
So, I'm working from home today and it's beautiful outside. Mild temps, sun is out, slight breeze. Perfect to open up the balcony door and get some fresh air inside. But... the kids in the NEXT BUILDING OVER are so freaking loud. Their windows or door must be opened because I can hear them playing the Wii. In fact, it's so loud I know that they're playing the bowling game. Did I say the noise is coming from THE NEXT BUILDING!?!?!?!
First of all, when I was a kid (you know, it was so long ago) and home during the summer, my mom scooted us out the door in the morning and we played outside. All. Day. Long. Thankfully, we lived in the middle of no where, so we were free to run, scream and play. When we were inside, we had to read for at least an hour a day (no problem there, I've always loved to read) and when we were allowed to watch TV, it was at a normal volume level.
Grrr... kids like that annoy me. Really, the parents that sit there and don't make their child behave irritate me more, but that's an entirely different story. I'm really not an orge... I love kids (that behave)! Really!
Working from home today though. My office building is so freaking big that it would be a BAD place to get stuck inside and realize you need crutches. Have I mentioned how great my clients are to me?
Keep your fingers crossed that I'm healing well enough not to need crutches anymore. Back to the doctor tomorrow, where I anticipate she'll tell me to walk in the shoe for a week and then come back to see if I can then get rid of that. Thankfully my job is so flexible! I've had an appointment nearly every week. I will miss the constant upper body workout though. My tri's are seeing the effect of walking around with crutches for the past 3 weeks or so! :)
Saturday, August 16, 2008
26.2 -- Wow... That's a long way!
NBC just showed the course map from an aerial view and it seemed like such a long distance. Then it hit me. "Hey, I've done that a few times." In about double the time, but I've covered that distance in a respectable amount of time (you know, compared to other normal people).
Friday, August 15, 2008
BYOB (Bring Your Own B-12) ???
My first job when I was 16-years-old was at McDonald's. And, I haven't eaten a hamburger since. When I went away to college, and had complete freedom in my diet, I went vegetarian. (I do eat seafood/fish and dairy so I'm not a complete vegatarian). Again, mostly because of taste but I really started to enjoy the health benefits. The first time I came home and proclaimed I no longer ate meat, my mom promptly bought me a few books and told me if I was going to be a veggie, I had to be knowledgable about it and do it correctly.
My family is a big meat and potatoes family, so my parents will try anything to get me to eat meat. Anything that is slightly off in my life, they (half) jokingly say, "well... it's because you don't eat meat."
So today's phone call from my mom was nothing unusual. With my stress fracture healing so slowly and the whole long affair with my abdomen and chronic pain issues, I figured my body just healed slower than the average person. My mom saw something on TV this morning about B-12 shots and how vegetarians should especially consider it. She said she thought maybe I was deficient and that's why I'm healing slowly, especially since she said I wasn't like that as a kid. And, that I should ask my PCP during my annual check up (I'm a HUGE preventative care fan!!!)
I usually just brush her "it's because you don't eat meat" comments off, but I took this one into consideration. Tonight, I did an internet search and actually found some blogs/forums that discussed this very topic. Maybe my mom wasn't completely off?
My question: has anyone considered/received a B-12 shot? Has anyone talked to their doctor about it?
P.S. Thanks to everyone for their well-wishes and support on my great master plan. I'm counting on all of you to help keep me with it! :)
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Re-dedicated Runner
Seriously, I'm very fortunate to have such super cool clients, who actually insisted I work from home while I'm on crutches.
While I can't physically work out, I've been mentally planning out my next training plan. After getting full approval from my doctor and e-a-s-i-n-g into it, of course. I'm re-dedicating myself to being in the best shape of my life -- working out, eating right and loving every second of it. Here's a glimpse of what I'm thinking...

Running: Train hard and grab that sub-4:00 marathon! (including repeat, hill and speed workouts)
Weights: Focus on weights. I dabble in it, but haven't really become dedicated to it since working out with my old trainer, Ricky. Being strong is so important, and I'm GOING to do it.
Cross-training: My last couple of marathon training plans haven't included cross-training because of the intensity of the running schedule. I want to get into spinning/cycling and swimming. Hmmm.... does anyone see a tri somewhere in the future...
Healthy Diet: I've gotten away from the whole wheat pastas, been eating out too much and portions are bigger than I need (I totally agree when people say women gain weight the 1st year in a relationship. JP and I have always been active and healthy eaters, but we've re-dedicated ourselves to be as healthy as we can be... as healthy as we can be with a trip to DQ every once in awhile...)
I always like Nike ads, but this Nike Shox ad really illustrates how I feel about my plan. Now, if only I could get rid of these crutches... :)
Sunday, August 10, 2008
IT Guru
The weekend was pretty low-key. Saturday - sat at home. Sunday - sat at home. This morning, JP and I went out to lunch and then we went back to his house to get him packed up to hit the road again. Poor guy -- he left again this afternoon and will be out of town for the week. If you're keeping track, that means I was out of town for two weeks in a row and he'll be out of town for two weeks in a row. Some people envy us for getting the opportunity to travel for work so much. Granted, it has taken us to some cool (and not so cool) places, but we'd both rather sleep in our own beds and eat a home cooked meal any day.
I am getting a little stir-crazy sitting at home so much, but getting out is so tiresome and such a hassle.
Going to watch a little more Olympic coverage and head to bed. Mmmm mmmm -- I do love men's swimming. Abs everywhere.
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Sitting home... still
After watching the US team walk in, we decided to try out hand at the Wii. Nothing like a little friendly competition on a Friday night. I'm happy to report that both couples remain intact after some grueling rounds of golf, bowling and the duck hunt-esq game.
Tonight, JP is at a bachelor party and I'm hanging out at home watching the Olympics. If I were crutch free I would've found something to do, but I figured it would e better to stay home and do as the doctor ordered -- stay off the foot and keep it elevated.
I'm getting really antsy not being able to do anything. To go from some hard core training to a sudden dead stop... It's driving me crazy sitting home!!!!!
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Please Visit the "D"!

Pictures above: Belle Isle, Tiger Stadium -- "who's your Tiger?" and The underwater mile!
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
More Calcium, Please
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Life without running...
Oh. I can't believe I forgot this. We did the coolest thing while we were up there. There is a little boutiqu

Other than that... not much is new. Without running/working out, I don't have a lot to write about. I've been catching up on reading, hanging out with friends and actually watching some TV. I really miss running, but I have to admit that I'm kinda glad to have some more time to see family and friends.
Heading back to the doctor tomorrow, so hopefully she'll take off the cast. My secret plan is that the cast comes off, I still have to take it easy, but I can at least swim and start lifting weights. Whadda think? :)
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
The "Must-Have" Accessory of the Year!

Sunday, July 20, 2008
Foot update
The cast is doing the job. It's such a pain to move around, that I tend to sit with my feet up. I hate it, but not much more I can do for the next three weeks.
I'm flying out today, so airport security should be interesting. :)
Well, gotta finish packing.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
A little bit better...

Friday, July 11, 2008

Wednesday, July 09, 2008
"hmmm... I thought it'd be much better than this by now..."
Monday, July 07, 2008
Friday before the holiday, JP and I headed down to Chicago. He dropped me off at his brother's and then continued down to Indiana where he had to work over the weekend. To make a long story short, the project went horribly wrong and he ended up working 90 hrs. from Friday until Thursday. He made it back to Chicago on Sunday night, but worked around the clock. I ventured out a few times -- walked around downtown...
... went to Taste of Chicago, got my nails done, met a friend for drinks. His brother lives in the South Loop so there were tons of AWESOME places to run... oh wait. I can't. My dumb foot is in
We headed home on Thursday morning and enjoyed some R&R the rest of the weekend. We bought a little grill and busted it out last night. Invited his sister's over and we had a great feast! I'm super excited to do some more grilling this summer!
Back to the doctor later this week for my follow up appointment. Keeping my fingers crossed...
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
The Two Dreaded Words...
Went to the doctor this afternoon and my fear was confirmed. I have a stress fracture. It didn't appear on the x-ray, but apparently it won't show for a little while. Who knew it didn't show up until after the body starts working to heal it.
I'm in a wrap and little shoew now, and a follow up appointment next week. No running, extra walking, swimming... in fact, I can't get the soft wrap wet. NOT what I was looking for, but it was what I expected. We'll see how it feels next week and hopefully we caught it earlier enough.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Thursday, I was scheduled to do a 35 minute tempo run. About 10 minutes into the run, I stopped and turned back. The pain on the top of my foot was getting worse. During the day, I did a quick web search and found that it could be a stress fracture -- exactly what I had thought initially, but hoped it wasn't.
Friday was a rest day (thankfully) and Saturday I cautiously headed out for my 14 miler. I did 3 miles, out and back, for a total of 6 miles and knew I needed to stop. It wasn't that it hurt so much, more like it felt really weak. Definite sign of a stress fracture.
Upset, I got back in my car and headed home. Grrrr.... Throughout the day it got a little more sore, and just walking was beginning to hurt. No. No. No. No. No.
I took off yesterday, but just walking in the grocery store was beginning to be difficult. This is not a part of my training plan. It was so hard not to run, but I knew that I had to be smart about this. If I nip it in the bud, early, maybe I won't be off as long. I know I could potentially not be able to run my fall race now, but I'm hoping for the best.
Asking around for a good orthepedic doctor (mine has since moved on and I'm not sure where he went), so hopefully I can get an appointment this week. Keep your fingers crossed!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Running IS fun!
So far this week, I've had some really good runs.
Monday - 3 miles
Ran at the gym
Mile 1: 8:49
Mile 2: 8:36
Mile 3: 8:45
Nothing crazy fast, but a good solid run. Afterwards, lifted weights (legs) like a crazy woman, but loved every second of it. It's mental, I know, but I feel so strong during weight training and LOVE IT!
Tuesday - 7 miles
Didn't keep splits, but again it was a good solid run. It was a little cool outside (cool, as in I wore a long sleeve), so that was a slight change. Started to get a little weakness feeling/pain on the top of my foot, right where my toe bones meet the rest of my foot. Eek!
Wednesday - Just call me wonder woman :)
Woke up early and did my yoga DVD. Ideally, I would've gotten over to the gym to do my scheduled 3 miler, but this is better than nothing. It felt SO DARN GOOD. Gotta keep this up!
After work, I did a 20 minute workout with some co-workers. One guy set a challenge for himself this spring to do a "couch potato to 5k" training plan. He kinda fell off the wagon, so a few of us are getting him back on track. He's never run before and needs to start from the beginning. His scheduled workout was 5 minute walking warm up, jog 60 seconds, walk 90 seconds, repeat for 20 minutes. He did great and we're gonna push him to complete the training and do his goal race. It was so much fun to help him along. We told him he'd hate us by the end of it, but the important thing is getting him back on the right side of the healthy/not healthy line.
After that, I ran my scheduled 3 miles. Great night out and, again, I really enjoy the river walk. Suppose to lift tonight, but I'm still at the office (nearly 7 p.m.) and I need to get home. Plus, I have some work I need to do yet. I think I'll take a nod from Jess and start the push up challenge. That will be more than an arm workout! :)
All right, peace out ya'll.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Am I dedicated enough?

As if this wasn't concerning enough, I have to throw in another factor. I missed my Sunday run. Again. I have officialy missed 3 of the last 4 Sunday runs. Memorial Day and Father's Day are okay reasons to be busy and not get a run in, but I can't remember why I missed the other one. The question above is starting to glare at me. Why am I running poorly? Perhaps because I'm not putting in the miles or the time I need to right now. Ouch. Truth hurts.
I stayed in on Friday night and went to bed early, since I needed to get up, well rested, on Saturday morning. We went out on Saturday (nice dinner out, bottle of wine or two, nothing too crazy) so I got to bed late. Just couldn't pull myself out of bed earlier enough to get a 6-mile run in before meeting my parents for Father's Day. Part of me wants to go to bed early on Friday and Saturday (and Sunday and the rest of the week) because of training. But, the rebel in me wants at least one night to let loose and enjoy being young! :) Plus, JP is already a pretty good sport about being a marathon widow, I feel like it's not fair to him to call it an early night both nights of the weekend.
How do you all do it? I have a very specific goal (sub 4:00 marathon) and I'm willing to go the distance to meet that goal. I think.