Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Today's Randon Tidbits

A few little tidbits from the day:

* While I appreciate a woman wanting long, nicely manicured fingernails, it is not always appropriate for certain professions. Say, physical therapy. Thank you for cutting them before today's session.

* To the (very white) man behind me in line. Just because you lived near Chinatown in New York, that does not make you half-Asian. Seriously. Where do these people come from!?!

* A note to new professionals: We all pay our dues.

* Nothing says comradery like ordering take-out with your co-workers because everyone is working late. (See, some PR professionals do work past 5 pm)

* I don't necessarily believe in ghosts, but I don't not believe in them. Admittedly, I was totally freaked out walking back into a dark office to retrieve a forgotten item after hearing tales of our office ghost.

* Today I learned the origin of "boy short" underwear. While working out at the clubhouse, there was a guy wearing a tight t-shirt, EXTREMELY SHORT AND TIGHT shorts (seriously, they really did look like my boy short underwear! I saw enough from the back, that I can only imagine what it looked like from the front!), and a backwards trucker-style hat. Oh, and he was doing leg extensions while wearing flip flops. He was also watching American Idol, or some show similar to it. It was quite a sight.

* Four miles (10:30 pace) goes by pretty quickly while watching basketball. Miami blew out the Nets tonight. Their 20 point win put the Round at 1-1.

Just some random observations and thoughts for the day...


mouse said...

I bet he speaks Asian and therefore thinks he's Asian. where was he when I had to talk to neighbor-who-smashes-into-your-mom's-car? damnit?

sunshine said...

Oh yea, that would have come in handy. We all know I would have been useless to you since I don't speak Asian.