Thursday, December 27, 2007
The blur...
Last week was absolutely insane. In addition to preparing for Christmas, I was working an insane amount of hours. Last week also included a quick, in and out trip to Las Vegas. It was all work and I was on the ground for approx. 26 hours. Of those 26 hours, I think I only slept for 4 hours. Friday was my last day in the office and I was hoping to get out early afternoon. I finally left around 6:30 p.m. and I think I was the last one left in the entire building!
Friday night we had two Christmas parties to go to. The first one was a friend of JP's. JP has had a few rough weeks at work too and was ready to unwind. I told him I would drive so he could enjoy the night. :) After the first party, we headed to his sister's house for a friends/family get together since we weren't all going to be together for Christmas. His brothers from Chicago get in around 1 a.m. and we didn't leave until I was pretty much falling asleep at 3 a.m.
Saturday we had a get togther with my high school friends. JP drove so I could enjoy the night, but since I've been so stressed out lately and really don't drink much anymore, two beers in I was feeling it. Sad, I know. I'm a cheap date.
During the rest of the weekend we finished getting ready for Christmas. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day was spent with both of our families and we put in plenty of miles driving between the two. It was a nice holiday and it was great to see family we don't see very often. Of course we all ate too much and spoiled each other crazy. I think our favorite gift (me, my brother and JP) was a quilt or blanket that my mom made for each of us. Every year we get a special gift from "Mrs. Clause" and every year she amazes me even more. She's such a super mom!
The last few days have been busy for me on the work front. I'm frantically trying to get things pulled together for an event shortly after the first of the year. We're way behind and I'm stressing out just thinking about it!!!!! And... we're leaving for Chicago tomorrow to spend some time with his family. JP's dad is coming into town and we're all meeting up there. I'm looking forward to it, but it kinda crept up on me.
For instance, I should be packing right now but I'm not. I hate packing. And, to make things even more overwhelming, I need to pack for two back-to-back trips. From Dec. 28-Jan. 3 I'll be in Chicago for vacation. On Jan. 3, I'm flying out of Chicago to head to Las Vegas for work. I'll finally be home on Jan. 9. That's a long time to be gone.
Anyway... I need to get back and start packing. We're shooting to hit the road between 9-10 a.m. and I'm hoping to get some sleep in tonight. Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a safe and happy New Year!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
I LOVE the weekends
Too tired to cook, we finally made it to dinner by 9:30 p.m. last night. We went to Bravo -- yum! Sadly, we were pretty tired and filling our stomachs only made it worse. After we finished our soup, we were pretty much down for the count. We opted not to go to the movies, and instead called it a night. Ah yes, the days of heading to the bar after work and not getting home until 2 a.m. are LONG past.
Today, I went to the gym and ran 3 miles at approx. 9 minute miles. I felt fine to do more, but honestly, I just wasn't feeling like running. So, I did some core work and got in some good stretching. I knew I should take advantage of having time to run, but I think the main reason for the slugishness was that I was running low on fuel. I ate before going to the gym, but not enough. Can you tell I'm not in "training" mode yet... :)
We have two Christmas gatherings tonight, but will only be able to make one. I hate not being able to do everything, but it gets so busy during the holidays. We may get a snowstorm tonight, too, so it should make for an interesting night.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
5k, here I come
Monday, I went to the gym and ran 3 miles on the indoor track. It felt so good and I was in such a great mood after I left. JP even commented that he could tell I was running again. I wasn't stressed out from work when I got home and I wasn't nearly as tired as I normally am at the end of the day.
But... by the end of the night I was feeling the soreness creep into my legs.
Last night, I ran 3 miles again. It felt good to be out there, but my legs were heavy and it wasn't quite the blissful run it was the night before. Stretched out a ton!! And, man was I tired last night. I sat down on the couch after dinner and quickly got back up. I knew if I didn't, I'd be down for the count.
At least I know I can run 3 miles and will be able to get through the race. :)
Getting my hair cut tonight (finally!) so I may have to rely on my Women's Health 10 minute workouts DVD in my living room.
Work is crazy busy so I better get back!
Friday, December 07, 2007
NY Times running article
Sometimes, my disassociation method is to write my blog entry in my head about the great run I just went on... :)
This week's excuses
Tuesday's excuse
It was day 2 back in the office and I was so freaking tired. I went home, ate dinner and was in bed and asleep by 9:30 p.m. I didn't even stay up to watchc the VS fashion show on TV... :) I don't think JP noticed though, as his "wife" Adriana Lima apparently opened the show. Scantily clad, beautiful women... yeah, I'm sure it's easy to forget about your girlfriend! :)
Wednesday's excuse
We had dinner with one of my old college roommates and her boyfriend. My friend moved to the same town about a year ago and we get together occassionally. We definitely need to get together more often, and we had a great time! Our boyfriends are very similar and get along great (which is always very helpful), so hopefully we'll see more of each other.
Thursday's excuse
I had a dentist appointment (one tiny cavity and my wisdom teeth are coming in and I need to have them removed -- yuck!). It was a new dentist for me, and I LOVE him! A co-worker referred him to me and he's a great guy. He even gives his patients his home number so if you have a dental emergency at 1 a.m., you can call him. My appointment wasn't until 7 p.m., and JP worked late last night. We ended up heading home around the same time and meet up at Olive Garden for dinner. I hate when we're the couple that eats out/gets take-out in the middle of the week. My mom is a total Betty Crocker and we always had homemade dinners at 6 p.m. everynight. Whenever I'm super tired and I end up making JP hot dogs or something, I cry to him that I feel like I'm going to be the bad mom with obese children! Guess I can't help that we both work long hours and sometimes that's just the way it goes. I try to plan our dinners so we can have healthy, homecooked meals everynight, but I need to work on it!
Friday's excuse
To early to tell....
TGIF!!!! Hope everyone has a great day and kick-off to the weekend!
Monday, December 03, 2007
I'm pooped!

Sunday, December 02, 2007
Doesn't anyone want to interview me?
Here's the article:
Anyway, today was a belated Thanksgiving for my family. Since my parents went to my brother's in Kansas for Thanksgiving and I was sick anyway and we didn't go to JP's family for dinner, we thought we'd declare today our Thanksgiving. Thankfully the roads weren't too bad from the storm we got last night. My mom made a feast and invited family and friends to celebrate. She had quite a houseful (there were 12 of us!), and we had a good time.
My parents were so thankful that JP took such good care of me while they were out of town (sick daughter on one hand, son they never see and hasn't been with family for Thanksgiving for a couple of years on the other other hand -- tough decision), my mom thought the least she could do was cook for him.
Back to work tomorrow. It'll be a little weird since I haven't been there for 2 weeks, but I'm sure it'll feel like I never left... Since I'm sure I'm going to be beat after work tomorrow, I'm not planning on hitting the gym, but I'm planning on getting back there on Tuesday. I have a 5k on my schedule for February, so I better get myself into some sort of physical readiness.
Hope eveyone has a happy Monday!
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Go! Fire Up Chips!

When I was there, our football team wasn't very good. Over the years, we've gotten better and better, which always makes Homecoming more fun... I was there in spirit though, wearing my school sweatshirt today. :)
Today, I braved the mall to get my mom a belated birthday present. In addition to getting some great stuff from The Body Shop for her (I LOVE that place! Plus, it's enviornmentally freindly.), I scored some sweet jeans from The Limeted for $15. Yes, $15!!!! I almost bought two pairs. They fit perfectly and I even found a "short" size.
And... I picked up two more Christmas gifts. That makes my count thus far to four gifts. It's only December 1. Sadly, I admit that I've been one of those crazys running around on Christmas Eve day still trying to find that "perfect gift." Yay me. :)
Well, better get going. JP is on his way over and I have a fun dinner planned. We're under a winter strom advisory, so we're planning on camping out inside tonight. I made a bunch of picnic foods -- french bread, an assortment of yummy cheeses, meatballs (for him), grapes, rasberries and melted chocolate, etc. Unfortunately, no wine since I'm still on antibiotics, but I thought it would be fun and something a little different.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Humor me...
Hey, I just made a total elf of myself. Check it out by clicking the link:
This elfin' greeting brought to you by OfficeMax®.
Sick? Mom's always make it better

Feeling better and stronger every day, but I decided not to go back to work until Monday. I want to be 100% before I join the rat race again. I've even decided to not look at email until then. I'm sure my inbox is exploding, but I'm not worrying about it.
Earlier today, I had a nice little ego boost. I ran to Target to return something and looked like crap. I hadn't showered, my hair was in pigtails and not a single bit of make-up. I basically don't care what I look like when I run errands. However, when I was checking out, the clerk commented on how pretty I was. Hmm... if she was lying that's okay, I'll take it. ;)
Well, more laundry to do yet so I better get to it.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
"Pretty wimpy"? My ass!

Monday, November 26, 2007
My latest adventure
Thursday afternoon, JP and I went to run a couple of errands. Whle we were out, I started feeling, "weird." About 35 minutes later, I was sick in bed with a high fever and feeling like a truck hit me. Ugh. The flu. Why didn't I remember to take my Airborne before getting on the plane.
I had all the classic signs of the flu -- body aches, high fever, chills, can't keep anything down, etc. By Sunday afternoon, JP was really worried and wanted to take me to urgent care. I kept telling him that it's just the flu and it just needs to run its course. Plus, his sister who is a doctor did say there was a flu going around. (Later learned that it was her idea to get me to urgent care since I wasn't getting any better several days later.)
By this time, I hadn't eaten in a few days, I coulnd't even keep water or juice down, and my fever was still really high. Sunday night, I finally asked JP to take me to the ER. If they could just give me a shot or something to get rid of this horrible, horrible flu.
Yeah. Not the flu. I learned that I had a serious bacterial infection and needed to be admitted to the hospital. Are you kidding me!?!?! A few hours (? -- I have had no sense of time over the last week or so) later, JP and I were headed to the hospital, where a bed was waiting for me. It ended up that I scored a nice corner suite -- literally. It was a nice, big private room and they allowed JP to stay with me.
It ended up that I had a strain of E. Coli. It usually starts with a UTI, then it moves to the bladder, the kidney and then the liver. It wasn't anything I ate or drank, and they only said that women are more prone to kidney infection because of anatomy and all the stuff that goes on down there. I was much sicker than I realized at the time. Kidney infection is very serious, but if it had gone on without being treated, it would have moved to my liver, which would then allow the bacteria to get into my blood stream. If that happens, it is very serious and it can be fatal. (Note to self: always listen to JP when he wants to take you to the ER)
When I got into the hospital, they put me on an antibiotic. It helped, but I was still pretty out of it. The test takes time to identify the bacteria and then test which antibiotic it is most senstive to. Once they identified that exact strain of E Coli and gave me the exact antibiotic, I started to perk up.
However, with my luck, that couldn't be all. I was finally starting to feel better and something happened with my IV. Somehow it was no longer going into my vein and was now going into the tissue. All of a sudden I noticed that my hand was twice the normal size. It took 1 1/2 days for it to go back down to normal. So, they had to poke and prod me again in the other hand to start a new IV line. Ugh. I HATE needles and this nurse wasn't the best at it...
Wednesday, I was finally ready to try solid foods. Oatmeal for breakfast. Check. All I wanted for lunch was corn flakes. Those were the best damn corn flakes I have ever eaten in my life! Since I was able to hold down food, I had the option of being released that night or wait until Thanksgiving. I opted to go home.
I don't remember much, but one thing I do know is how amazing JP was while I was sick. He only left my side to get food, grab a shower and get some clean clothes from home. He totally took care of me and I really realized how much he means to me and is a huge part of my life.
Still not 100% and I'm taking a few days off before heading back to work. Everyday I get a bit stronger and I'm looking forward to getting back to myself!!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Random thoughts from LA
1. Had a $60 cab ride to my hotel. Apparently this is normal.
2. I saw a taping of CSI: NY. Look out for a future episode with (I'm guessing) a body in a dumpster. Didn't recognize the actors, but hey, I saw an episode being filmed.
3. Almost got into an accident. Caddy vs. Suburban. I was merely a passenger, but it was my driver's fault.
4. I love how eco-friendly (most) everything is in LA. Resturants are all organic, recycled materials are the norm, etc. (Okay, minus the above mentioned Caddy and Suburban.)
5. I had the opportunity to sit outside for a few minutes of fresh air. It's high 70's, sunny and beautiful. I love it and, to my surprise, could totally see myself living here.
6. Starbucks has the holiday-themed drinks and cups, but it's so strange to me. How can you possible think of Christmas (= snow in my mind) when there are palm trees everywhere?
Well, better get back to work... it's only 2:15 p.m. here...
Monday, November 12, 2007
Food with a Face
This is random, but kinda funny. Saturday night JP and I picked up Jamaican food for dinner -- we were having dinner with a friend and her mother, who are also from Haiti. This little place is not in the best area of Detroit. I've only been there one other time, but it scares me to go. It isn't the worst place, more of a place were most people would be uncomfortable. However, it scares me. Any place that has bars on the windows is a place where I don't want to be. I said that I knew I was being a snob, but I was okay with it in this case. Give me the west side burbs anyday!
The first time we went, JP parked in front, on the street, so I stayed in (his freaking BMW) while he ran inside to get the food. Right. I thought for sure someone was going to steal me!
Anyway... this place has some unusual items on the menu. Ox tail, goat, etc...
I'm not a true vegetarian. I forget the name that describes me, but I eat seafood and eat/drink dairy. (FYI: chicken and turkey are M-E-A-T). That said, I ordered fish for dinner. Now, the first time I ordered, it was normal fish. Like anyone would get from a resturant. Yeah. Not this time.
I am now totally on board with the vegetarians that won't eat anything with a face. Literally. I opened up my food and there was a, well, fish. Head, tail, everything. I was a little freaked out, but was trying not to let it show because of our friend's mother. I didn't want her to think I was a baby. (It's bad enough she doesn't speak much English and I can't speak any French.)
Everyone was laughing, and JP took my food and cut the head off. He brought it back to the table, but it still had the tail on it. I didn't know how to get the actual food off and must have been looking at it strangely. Finally, our friend's mother came around to my side of the table, and proceeded to cut my food for me. I felt like I was five years old. She was laughing, but I still felt dumb. But... come on. Can you blame me? My food was staring at me!
I love seafood too much, so I don't think this will turn me into a, "no food with a face" diet.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Sunday Night: Sitting in the airport
Friday night, I worked longer than expected. JP landed right at 5 p.m. (he now claims the only way to fly is corporate jet). We were scrambling a little bit to get to the Palace for the 8 p.m. tip-off. In fact, we were a little late. The game was a total blow out, but it was still fun. We went with one of my college roommates and her boyfriend. Unfortunately, on the way home, I got pulled over about 1/4 mile from my house. Apparently I was going 45 mph through "town" where it is posted at 30 mph. I was so tired and the cop was kinda a jerk. He told me he didn't know why I was in such a hurry. I'm thinking, well it's 12:30 a.m., I've worked a ton this week and I'm ready to go to bed. He gave me a ticket for 5 mph over but I won't get points on my record. Okay. As if my city (the richest county in the state) need my money... grrr... not a good way to end the night.
Yesterday, I finally went to the gym! It had been so long!!!! It felt good to get all my frustrations from the week out. It also made me really miss working out and hopefully I'll make more of an effort to get there more often. There were these little, annoying high school girls in the room where they have classes. Apparently, they were practicing their dance line or something. First of all, put some clothes on. Second of all, you're not Brittany Spears. You're dancing at a football game. No need for the pouty lips and sexy dancing. Seriously. Not having a daughter! :)
Right now, I'm sitting at the airport waiting for my hour-delayed plane. I'm heading to LA tonight. I'll be there for the LA Auto Show, and will get back Thursday morning. I thought about heading to the bar for a drink, but I think I'd fall asleep and miss my flight. Instead, opted for a coffee. One thing I'll enjoy for sure is the warm weather. It's getting too cold in Michigan and I'm not ready for the cold. :)
Keep your fingers crossed this plane gets here soon so I can get on my way.
Friday, November 09, 2007
Falling in love all over again
I finally left the office on Wednesday night at 8 p.m. Tired and praying that I had hot water, an hour long commute later I was home. Thankfully, JP removed the battery from my smoke detector so the incessant beeping had stopped and I had hot water. What more can a girl ask for?
The next morning, however, no hot water. Ugh. Treked over to JP's to get ready for work. Good thing we live so close to each other.
While that sounds horrible, it was still the best morning ever. Why? Because I fell in love with JP all over again. No, really. You see, I'm super anal about a clean bathroom. Since I've been so busy lately, I haven't had a chance to clean it this week and it was really, really bothering me. Before I went to bed, I thought about cleaning at least the sink but I was too tired and didn't have the energy to even reach for the sponge, let alone clean with it. When I got up in the morning I walked into the bathroom and ... it was clean!!! JP came over to check on everything after I went to bed and he cleaned my bathroom for me! Is he the best boyfriend ever or what.
Last night I left the office around 7 p.m. after a very hectic day. I had a really late lunch (3 p.m.) so I wasn't too hungry for dinner. We both needed to eat, but nothing sounded good. And... we didn't want to leave the house. JP finally decided he would cook some ramen noodles (hi, are we in college again) so we'd at least have something in our belly. (Again, best boyfriend ever. I'm too tired so he volunteers to make food.) He went to boil water and ... the gas stove top wouldn't light. Apparently the pilot light went out, but we couldn't find it and we were both, frankly, not that interested in working to hard in looking for it. Ended up getting some Middle Eastern take-out (mmm... hummus...) and calling it a night.
We couldn't help but laugh. Between the two of us we have an apartment... I don't have hot water and he doesn't have a functioning stove. Geez.
I AM getting out of here at a reasonable time tonight because we have tickets to the Piston's game tonight. Yay! Well, better get back to work so I can get out of here. Hope everyone has a great weekend!!
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
I have to ask... seriously?
It's 7:17 p.m.
I got to work at 8 a.m.
I'm not done yet.
JP ran over to my house to check something for me and found
1) my smoke alarm is in fact beeping -- I couldn't remove the battery last night so the beeping drove me absolutely insane (and I forgot to call the office to have maintenance change it for me... of course...)
2) I don't have any hot water. Apparently a neighbor told him there hasn't been hot water all day (which brings me to why the hell aren't you at work like, well, me.)
While I'm toiling away (you know, in between blogging), JP is at a Red Wings game. He told me he wouldn't go, but I'm not the kind of girl that gets upset about this type of thing. Go! Have fun! Why should you wait at home while I'm at the office.
Anyway, I need to finish up and get the f*^# out of here... out.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Did you see me on TV?
We had a good weekend. Everyone's response at work on Monday was, "it was such a good sports weekend." We had the Michigan/Michigan State game, Detroit Lions blew Denver out of the water, and the Piston's won their home opener.
Saturday, we spent a majority of the day at my parents so JP could help them with their computer. We watched part of the Michigan/Michigan State game, then hurried up so we could watch the rest at home. It was a long day, but we still went out to our friend's bar for a drink that night. We just needed to get out of the house. JP had to celebrate his school winning the cross-state rivalery game.
Sunday, we watched part of the Lion's game and then got ready for the Piston's game. We had THE MOST AMAZING TICKETS EVER!!!! Did you see me on TV? Because our seats were 4th room on the floor, about 5 seats right of center court. I have never been that close!!!! I was so excited and loved every minute of it. I was so close, I could hear what they were saying on the court, could see everything and sometimes the ref was in my way!!!! :) JP took so great pictures, but they're on his camera. We won by 1 point, so it was a great game to have those kickass seats!!!!!!
Back to reality now, and this week is going to be a hectic one. Heck, I just sent my last email of the day and it's almost 10 p.m. I'm flying out to LA for the auto show on Sunday, so there's a lot to get done between now and then. At least it'll be warmer there -- it's threatening snow here in the "D"... :)
Friday, November 02, 2007
Today's Horoscope
November 2, 2007
Junk mail and a few telephone solicitations would almost be a welcome relief from the intense communications you've been having with people lately. All this intensity is interesting, to be sure, but also more time-consuming than you'd like. You barely have time to handle your own affairs, much less those of others. If you begin to feel yourself at the bursting point, call your own personal time-out. A mineral bath would do you a world of good, dear Aquarius.
So true!
Should be a good weekend. Dinner with friends, visit to my parent's, Michigan/Michigan State game (Go Blue!) and suite tickets for the Piston's game. Hoping to get some good workouts in there as well.
Happy Friday to all and have a great weekend!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween!

Here are a few moments we captured. Actually, throughout the entire process he kept saying, "why aren't you taking my picture?" Such a little kid! In the end, I'm glad we documented the first pumpkin carving night.
Hope everyone one with little ones enjoys tonight -- be safe and have fun!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Drinking for the kids
Last night, I didn't workout either but for a good reason. I was drinking for the kids, and on a weekday to boot. A girlfriend of mine was a guest bartender at a local bar to raise funds for a children's charity. I hadn't been to this bar in a long time, and I haven't been out on a weeknight to drink in an even longer time. It was a ton of fun! The morning alarm came early, but it was well worth it. After all, I was doing it for the kids! :)
Gotta get back to work...
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Pumpkin Patch Fun

Thursday, October 18, 2007
Greatest workout DVD!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007
When I grow up...

Tuesday, October 09, 2007
To those that ran Chicago:
On non-Chicago, but marathon-related props. Congrats to my friend Linds for her BQ this weekend in a Pa. race!
The golf outing went fine. I was really nervous, but ended up having a really good time. The weather was BEAUTIFUL, the beer was cold and the team was loads of fun. Although... 18-holes is a lot of ground to cover. I wasn't good, but I definitely improved as the day went on, so what more could you ask for, right? Admittedly, there were a few times being out there was extremely painful and I would be happy anywhere but there at the time. I'm hoping to get out on a couple of 9-holes yet before it gets too cold. If not, at least get to the driving range a few more times.
Day 1 of vacation today -- kinda. I had an 8 a.m. conference call and I'm sitting in on one right now. It's just a really busy time, and I didn't feel comfortable getting too far out of the loop. Between calls, I went out for a nice approx. 5 mile run. It was so nice, mid-morning run in the nice, cool, crisp air. I could totally do the work from home thing! :)
Hope all is well and everyone is enjoy the beautiful fall weather!
Friday, October 05, 2007
Sheer Dread
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
What a day...
1. 5 a.m. - alarm goes off so I can attempt to go to the gym
2. 5:00:30 a.m. - promptly hit snooze... some how end up turning it off in my sleep
3. Begin dreaming about work
4. Wake up late
5. Get stuck in major traffic
6. Badge doesn't work in the parking garage
7. 9 a.m. - finally get into the office
8. 8 p.m. - finally leave the office
9. Decide not to go to the gym, kick myself all the way home for not going to the gym, stomach growling like crazy
10. 9 p.m. - finally get home
11. 9:45 p.m. - eating tofu for dinner while thinking about the mint chocolate chip ice cream in the freezer
Tomorrow I'm looking forward to meeting up with a friend for dinner after work. My gym bag is still in the car, so I'm fully intending to hit the gym afterwards. You know, after a healthy dinner and, perhaps, a healthy glass of wine.
Oh, and Friday I'm looking forward to making a complete fool of myself. I allowed myself to get talked into participating in a work golf outing. At first, I allowed myself to think, "This is why I learned to golf. It will be fun and a good networking opportunity." I'm on a team with people that I don't know well, and I'm not sure if that is a good think or a bad thing. Now I'm thinking, "What was I thinking? I'm going to make a complete jack ass out of myself. It's not going to be fun, it's going to be a painful, embarassing afternoon for me. What was I thinking!?!?!"
Anyway... looking forward to another great day. Just living the dream. :)
Friday, September 28, 2007
Glad to be home
JP and I have reservations for dinner tonight. He's been stressed out, I've been stressed out, and we have a gift card to use up. So, tonight we are having a nice dinner out (and I don't have to cook!) :)
Tomorrow we're heading up to my college Homecoming! It's nice to be back on campus, catch up with old friends and show JP a part of my past. Last year it was really cold, so I think we'll both enjoy this year much better. Fire Up Chips!!!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Howdy from Texas

Monday, September 24, 2007

Monday, September 10, 2007
Day 1
Did 30 minutes on the elliptical, ran for a little bit to stretch out my legs, and lifted. I didn't get home until around 8 p.m., and JP waited for me to eat dinner. I've decided that I really need to just get up in the morning and get my workout done and over with. Not ideal for me, but that way we can eat dinner before 9 p.m.
So, we'll see how day 2 goes. Good night!
"Miss Out-of-control bachlorette"

Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Fog Delay
The holiday weekend was great. We went to the Detroit Jazz Festival, and the Arts, Beats and Eats festival. In other words, lots of good music and lots of really good food! The weather was so nice, our main goal was just to be outside as much as possible.
The weekend (and into this week) also included running. It's nice to be out on the roads again, but it's not as much fun to, "go for a nice easy run," when you're not in that great of shape. Remeber when banging out a 12-miler was an easy run? I've been trying to mix things up a bit by going to the track, running bleachers, etc. I really want to start lifting again, but I can't bring myself to go inside the gym when our nice days are becoming limited.
Work has been getting busy, hence my sporatic blogging and my non-existent visits to your blogs... I promise I'll get back into it soon! Hope everyone had a fun and safe holiday weekend and that this week goes well!
Monday, August 27, 2007
Buckets of Beer!
Friday night, we met up with one of JP's college friends. She wanted to meet me and JP wanted to meet her boyfriend. We had a great dinner and since the evening was going well, we decided to take in a movie. We saw Super Bad. OMG - It was SO freaking funny! It wasn't one that I would ever choose to see, but it was much funnier than I thought it would be. I wasn't a fan of Arrested Development, but after the performance of ... forget his name... I wish I would have watched it. He is such a great young actor, and he played his part so well.
Saturday night was the long awaited German Park. I've been going every summer for the last few years, and this weekend was the last one of the summer. It's basically a bunch of picnic tables out in a field with BUCKETS OF (German) BEER, German food and polka music. It doesn't get much better than that. :) We had a ton of friends there and we played cards and some sort of dice game. I don't know... I was drinking my bucket of beer. My truck looked like we'd gone off-roading though. With all of the rain we've been getting, the parking area was a muddy mess.
Yesterday, I thought about going for a run and decided not to do it. JP and I went up to a nearby outlet mall and went shopping. We walked forever, so I'd like to think of it as an easy workout. :) Hitting the gym tonight though. I have to get back into it.
So, here is is Monday morning and I have a ton to do. Better get back to work. More later about my great workout that I'm going to have tonight.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Master of the Wii
I've been trying to get some runs in this week, but I've been in a lot of pain. Ugh. When I don't feel like running, I feel fine. When I want to go running, I hurt. Ironic isn't it.
Well, better get back to work!
Monday, August 20, 2007
Sick Day
Now, since I'm like most of the world, even though I'm not feeling well and my head feels like it's going to explode, I dragged out my laptop and jumped online. Why do we do this? I'm all about new technology, but when did it become acceptable to constantly email, check voicemail, call into meetings when we're on vacation or sick? Anyway, that's another post all togeher. I did a few emails, but my client yelled at me and told me I better not be on our 2:30 p.m. call. I've already looked ahead to tomorrow and it's going to be a monster of a day!
Quick recap on the weekend. Saturday, JP went to Cedar Point and I enjoyed the day to myself. I went running and did a ball workout, went shopping, cleaned, read a magazine and just relaxed. Sunday was pretty low-key. JP and I went grocery shopping and made dinner for his family. I don't get freaked out like I used to, cooking for a party of seven. I'm getting better and everyone seemed to enjoy it. I may not freak out, but I still get nervous as everyone is taking the first bit. It's especially challenging since I don't eat meat, so I can't taste test the food before serving. :) It's always a good ego boost when people request seconds.
Well, my head is about to explode so I better turn off the computer to get some rest. Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Why I love my job
Grab a latte at the coffee shop downstairs (great office building -- everything from Starbucks to a dry cleaner to a Hallmark to clothing stores to the post office)
10:37 a.m.
Run into Borders and buy a stack of magazines
10:52 a.m.
Return upstairs, settle in and start reading.
Yep, part of my job entails that I'm familiar with a wide variety of media outlets. No, this isn't what I do all day everyday, but it's a part that I enjoy. My profession isn't brain surgery, but I just want to stress that it isn't a cake walk either. Now, I better get back to it. :)
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Perfect Saturday Night
JP's out with the boys tonight and I thought about making it a girls night at the bar but decided against it. Sitting at home watching TV and drinking a glass of wine just sounded good to me. Not a wild and crazy Saturday night, but it sure sounded perfect... :)
Friday, August 10, 2007
TGIF! Can't wait for the weekend to begin in a couple of hours. Should be low-key. Although, my family reunion is on Sunday, so JP will get a chnace to meet a bunch of the extended family. Should prove to be entertaining. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Here I Am!
Sunday, July 15, 2007
The Beautiful People Club
Well, the birthday girl had a bit too much to drink and needed someone to drive her home. Since she doesn't live too far away from us, we volunteered. I was going to drive her car and JP was going to follow behind. We went to valet to get our cars and hers pulled up first. Yeah... it was a $100,000+ BWM. So, not only was I with the "beautiful people" group, I was with the "rich, beautiful people group." JP's BWM pulled up behind and, as much as he loves his car, he was SO jealous that I was driving this one! His friend and I gabbed the whole way home and she's such a sweet girl. We're traded phone numbers and we planned on setting up a driving range date sometime soon. Not sure how drunk she was, or if she'll remember, but nonetheless, I drove a $100,000 car. It was a good night. :)

Getting ready to go to the thing most women dread throughout their adult lives -- a wedding shower. Now, don't get me wrong, I love my dear college friend, but no matter how much you adore the bride-to-be, showers suck. I'm going to guess this, "Garden Party" won't have those stupid games, but keep your fingers crossed. Nothing like ooohing and aahhing about what a great set of bowls she registered for...
Friday, July 13, 2007
My commute home

Thursday, July 12, 2007
Complete Waste of Time

Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Runners Legs

Tuesday, July 10, 2007
"The Zone"
Since it was nearly 100* outside, plus all the stinking Michigan humidity, the air conditioned gym was packed. I jumped onto the eliptical and started my workout. I was really getting into it and was surprised when I had already chugged out 3 miles. Now, I know running 3 miles and getting 3 miles in on the elipitcal are completely different but, the fact is, I went 3 miles. Whoo Hoo. And, since I was feeling good (except for the smelly man next to me. We all sweat and stink, but this was extreme. Yuck!) I decided to see what I could do on the track.
Mile 1 - about 8:30 pace. Hmmm... not bad. Haven't done that in awhile. My mind starts to wander and I begin to think about everything that's been going on with my health. You see, at my last appointment at the pain clinic the doctor gave me two more options (the 3rd is surgery, but I refuse to do it). The first option is a psych evaluation to see if it's a "mind over matter" thing. I told him if this is all in my head, I'm fine with that. Let's just find out it is, and figure out how to get over it. If it's not, then we can cross off the list that I'm crazy. I'm suppose to go this week for my eval, but I'm having second thoughts. I'm not afraid to do it, nor am I ashamed of it but, I truly think it is something physically wrong with me. I understand that I can believe I'm in pain when there isn't really anything wrong, but I can't make myself swell, bleed, etc. Those are all physical things, not mental issues. (The second option was a drug that was accidentally discovered to treat chronic pelvic pain. If you're a little uneasy about the acidental finding get this, it hasn't been through enough clinical trials for ANY statistical data behind it. Right.... like I'm going to jump for that option.)
Mile 2 - about 8:15 pace. Hmmm... this isn't bad. Plus, I'm deep in thought by now. I start thinking about my great support system - friends, family, fellow bloggers. I especially thought about Tori's latest post and how determined she is after all the health issues she went though. I think about Mendy and David and what a great family they are and how encouraging they both have been to me -- a complete stranger.
Mile 3 - about 7:00 pace. By this time I'm completely in the zone, more determined than ever to run and I've got some kick butt music playing on my iPod. It felt so good to open up, stretch my legs and just ... go.
Still in this great mindframe, I thought I'd better milk it for all it's worth and hit some weights. I hadn't lifted in quite some time either and it felt good. I was making myself strong, little by little. After I was done lifting and stretching, I felt so accomplished. I was hurting (you can only block out knives stabbing and burning through your abdomen for so long), but I was so happy with myself that I seemed to bear it a little better.
So, to everyone that was with me during my run yesterday (there are LOTS of you)... thanks. I couldn't have done it without you.
Monday, July 09, 2007
Days at the Pool: 1
I spent my first day off sitting by the pool for the day. Of couse, I had to call JP at work and tell him that I was enjoying the sunshine. This was the first time I've hit the pool at the new place and it was nice and empty. All the suckers were at work... :)
Movies Watched: 3
1. Tuesday night we went to see Transformers, which is a fun summer movie. Plus, iti s filled with the products that I work with everyday, so that was pretty cool. We've been talking about this movie for so long, it was nice to see it on the big screen... finally.
2. Friday night we saw Ocean's Thirteen. Not the best of the three - possibly tying with the 2nd one or just slightly better. This is a good rental movie, but I wouldn't recommend going to the theater to see it.
3. Last night we saw Die Hard. Completely unrealistic (even for a Die Hard movie, which is saying a lot) but again, a fun summer movie.
Veggie Burgers Consumed: 2
We went to a picnic at JP's sister's house for a BBQ. Pretty low-key, except for a rousing round of Sorry and Monopoly.
The next day, we went to my parent's house for a belated birthday dinner for JP. Complete with cake, ice cream and presents. I'm so glad that my parents and JP get along so well!
Baby Polar Bears Sighted: 3
On Saturday, we spent the day at the Toledo Zoo. We went with some friends who have a 3-year-old, so it was kinda fun seeing everything through a child's eyes again. The Toledo Zoo is a wonderful zoo (I've actually never been to the Detroit Zoo...) and the newest attactraction is the polar bear exhibit. There are three baby bears and they are SO cute. And, to feed into my panda bear obsession even more, JP got me a little stuffed one at the gift store. Instead of saying I'm spoiled, I prefer to say that I'm loved. :)
Miles Run: 0
Yes, I'm a complete slacker and the ambition of running a marathon this fall is slowly slipping away. Having some semi-serious medical issues right now (I need to call the doctor again today) and running isn't high on the priority list. I know I could still run if I wanted to by altering my training a bit, so that makes me feel a little better. I'm pretty sure I could bounce into it relatively quickly. I'm pretty torn right now about running and just not sure where I stand. My plan is to at least workout while I'm figuring things out, so at least I'm in some sort of decent shape.
Anyway, it's a hot one out there today (Yes, David, I should enjoy this warm weather before I'm shoveling snow that's up to my waist!). It's back to the real world, so I better get back to work. Happy Monday!
Monday, July 02, 2007
Is it Monday already?
Friday, June 29, 2007
Date Night -- Five Stars

Wednesday, June 27, 2007
The "D"

Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Real Mail
someone has to win. Right? Well, it was my turn to win. I won two advance screening tickets to Ratatouille and a gift card to a nice resturant. I'm SO excited. (Not to mention the resturant has a killer dessert I've been craving lately. It's called "tuxedo cake." Think Hostess Ho Ho, only a trillion times better. )

Monday, June 25, 2007
Hot construction chic

Long run update -- No comment
I have an appointment at the pain clinic this afternoon, so we'll see what he says.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Week 1 - Almost complete
Day 3 - Wednesday
Scheduled to do a 5-miler and I was really excited about it. I was in pain all day, so I thought instead of doing a 5-mile loop, I'd run to the nearby high school and do laps. Sounds boring, I know, but at least this way I wasn't too far away from home if I couldn't make it through. I ran the 1 mile-ish to the track, did 3 miles on the track and ran home. It was actually kinda fun being on the track (I miss those high school days) and the time passed quickly. Not sure of my exact splits, but it was a 9:50-10:00 pace. Not super speedy, but I'm not worried about that.
I didn't make it to the gym to lift though... I was drenched in sweat and was pretty tapped out. I know lifting is such a vital part of training, but I just haven't been able to muster both the runs and the lifting. Stupid stomach.
Day 4 - Thursday
Stupid stomach continues. I was in so much pain last night I couldn't do the scheduled 3 mile run. I kept telling myself it's only 3 miles and that I could suck it up and do it. The sensible side then kicked in and told me that if I couldn't sit up without falling back in pain, I didn't think I'd be able to bend over and tie my shoes, let alone run. I figured I would take that as my "rest day" and do the 3 miles tonight instead.*
I have a doctor's appointment at the pain clinic on Monday. My prescription is up and since I don't have any refills, I need to go in and discuss where we are and where we're going. I think I'm going to go in and tell him the meds are working (I can function on a daily basis now, for the most part), but that the current situation is still unexceptable to me. He's going to nod, tell me that these things take time and again go through the list of options. Surgery is still a no! I've been doing some research on my own and there are some questions I have for him. Just thinking about the appointment is making me upset, so I'm gonna leave it at that.
(* Sound overly optimistic and upbeat? Sound nothing like me when I can't get my workout in? You would be right. I was pissed, but what are you gonna do? Good attitude. Repeat: good attitude...)
Anyway, looking forward to the weekend and relaxing a bit. JP's been out of town all week and gets back tonight. Yea!